Hwa Chong Science. This result is not at all surprising. Now all that's worrying me is my O level result. I'm still unsure of my final JC. It's a pity that some of us have met some inevitable problems in PAE. It ended up with them getting into a JC different from their wish. I must say that the most important thing is to try and learn. This is all that I can hope for.
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Philosophy You should be a Philosophy major! Like the Philosopher, you are contemplative and you enjoy thinking about the purpose for humanity's existence.
I feel so good after listening to their new album "Unbreakable". It's just wonderful. My favorite song is "Everything but mine". I have also downloaded some of their music videos, including a live in Japan. They were still singing the top hit "Inconsolable". 觉得Nick每次唱歌时都在装帅,炫耀他那电死人不偿命的眼睛以及让我欲罢不能的魅力笑容。AJ的声音还是那么有爆发力,越听越让我觉得很有坐过山车加抚摸丝绸的感觉。Brian看着老了些,但是唱功依旧是不见当年风采。Howie越长越有男人味儿了。呵呵。
It's like BSB is going to be a history. Maybe, like all other groups, each of them will choose his own way. I really think it's a miracle that after years they can still get together and give us fantastic albums like "Never Gone". Moreover, "Unbreakable" is a pleasant surprise. I hope they will hold on with their music.
I really love this song.
Maybe we're all different
But we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden
Running to our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You are caught between just who you are
And who you want to be
If you feel alone and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning
Is some beginning's end
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life
You made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
That right here right now
You're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome to wherever you are
When everybody's in
And you're left out
And you feel drowning
In a shadow of the dawn
Everyone's a miracle
In their own way
Just listen to yourself
Not what other people say
When it seems you're lost alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life
You made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
That right here right now
You're exactly where you're supposed to be
Be who you want to be
Be who you are
Everyone's a hero
Everyone's a star
When you want to give up
And your heart's about to break
Remember that you're perfect
God's make no mistakes
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life
You made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
That right here right now
You're exactly where you're supposed to be
(Welcome to wherever you are)
(This is your life)
(You made it this far)
I say welcome
(Welcome to wherever you are)
(This is your life)
(You made it this far)
I say welcome
(You got to believe)
Whenever I feel depressed, I would listen to this song. I love Bon Jovi's voice. I love it when he sings "When you want to give up And your heart's about to break Remember that you're perfect God's make no mistakes". Now I feel like giving up. I want to quit this fucking exam and just enjoy what I like. But I cannot. I know clearly what I want. Yes, my heart is about to break, yet I am holding on. I know I am perfect. I'm lacking something that I may never be able to get, but I'm holding on because I must something of my own. My friends, my family. God's made no mistake. If I am here, alive in this world, I must be something extraordinary.
This is what I tell myself when I want to give up. I believe I can finish the exam, no matter what a failure I have been. Faith is the only thing I'm left with. If I don't even believe in myself, I'm losing everything, much more than what I have lost now.
整个玩完了后就像看完了部电视剧似的,那个成步堂的女朋友,真宵,实在是……长得像元宵啊,而且还是灵媒师……Speechless. 我玩的有真宵的第一部就是成步堂失忆了,然后知道那一集的结尾我才知道这女的原来是他女朋友……
"I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wondering in the dark. And so was I. And we found each other. We found each other in the dark."
"On the day of my judgment, when I stand before god, and he asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles. What am I going to say? That it was my job?"
John Coffey is a miracle.
The story happened in the Green Mile, Block E of a prison. John Coffey, an enormous black man, entered the Mile. He was sentenced death as he raped and killed two little girls.
But he didn't seem evil at all. He was afraid of dark. He was kind and helpful. On top of all, he had a kind of miraculous power gifted by the god. With his hand, he cured Paul's bladder infection. When Percy, a sinister prison guard who always wanted to bully the prisoners, trampled the only company of a prisoner-a mouse-to death, John used his power and saved the mouse.
Finally on his way to help cure the warden's wife who had a malignant tumor, another killer in prison, Billy, held his hand, and at this point of time, he felt the truth. After curing the lady, he didn't let the black snow out of his mouth, which made him enormously weak. Then, after getting back, he transferred the snow of evil to Percy, who then killed Billy, and who himself at last became a patient at the local madhouse.
Then he revealed the truth. It was Billy who raped and killed the two little girls, not him. He felt this when Billy held his hand. And he made both Percy and Billy suffer.
But no one could help John Coffey. Finally he died in front of the swearing parents' of the dead girls and others who resented him for killing. He never got a chance to claim himself innocent.
I thought the story was wonderful. It really grabbed my heart. Tom Hanks was great. But I really like the John Coffey better.
Stephen King is a genius. From the Shawshank Redemption to the Green Mile, his stories are unforgettable and they touch my heart.
After talking with my seniors about which subject I should take, I am confused again on having Physics or Biology. Well, Physics seems a lot easier, as I see it. But isn't Biology more suitable to me? I don't know. I simply think it must be a lot more interesting to study creatures, than to discover the inter-connected relationship between substances. Physics theory is damn boring to me, although I dislike reciting Biology terms, either
Movie:The Last Samurai
Starring: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe
The way of Samurai
The Spirit of Samurai
"Because they come to destroy what I have come to love." Fabulous.
"You believe, a man can change his destiny?"
"…a man does he can, until his destiny is revealed"
"And so the days of the Samurai had end. Nations, like men, as it is sometimes said, have their own destinies."
Among all the movies that I have watched recently, "The Last Samurai" is the most touching and passionate one.
I have seen the idea bravery being expressed variously in all kinds of hero movies. Heroes die for their beliefs. "The Last Samurai" is about tradition, culture and beliefs. There's a battle between swords and rifles. It's obvious that swords have got little advantage over rifles. I'm not here to discuss which side has won, which there's really no need to mention. Technologies develop rapidly and as the weapons are getting more and more complicated; our minds need to become simpler.
Unfortunately this is proved impossible for most of us. It's like this. I mean, well, men invent weapons, so as weapons become modern, men must become "moderner" to suit the society.
Just this morning I heard people talking that it is really necessary to be hypocritical when you go to work, 'cos if not you will never be able get along well with other hypocrites, and consequently become ill-treated by your boss. I must say that this is a sad fact, which all of us must accept. I started to wonder if there's still something real in this world.
Now, after watching the movie, I somehow generated some power to face the cruel reality. I have seen the road of keeping one's own belief is really not smooth. However, it is possible, if you are willing to die to defend your belief. Pursuing in your own direction is just so hard, but nothing's harder than to betray your heart, a way that I have reasons to believe I will not choose.
I admire all the samurais, the symbols of bravery, not really because what they have done is glorious, but that it is an extraordinary act to pursue your beliefs consistently when you know death is probably your final destiny.
"You believe, a man can change his destiny?"
"…a man does he can, until his destiny is revealed"
Why not?
I can't change my destiny, in a way. However, in another way, I myself am the only one who is able to create my destiny.
I would die to defend my love and my belief. Never mind it sounds too ideal. It's a movie, precisely, but then, it is also a life, is it not?
今天看到一个帖子是关于初中英语教材的,我无比惊喜的发现,竟然狂多人都跟我曾经有过共识,就是Jim喜欢Han Meimei,LiLei也喜欢Han Meimie,但是Lucy喜欢Lilei。我的证据就是有一课,我记得很清楚,"Can I borrow your ruler?"韩美美和李雷坐在第一排,韩美美问李雷借尺子,然后Jim在后面看着他们,眼神十分诡异,就是夹杂着嫉妒,羡慕阴险的目光```然后他旁边坐着Lucy,低着头,我当时觉得是因为Lucy不愿意看到面前的这一幕,因为是女生,不可能象Jim这么感情外露的```所以委屈的低下头```我当时还和我同桌讨论了半天。
关于初中英语课本的误区,我一直觉得Miss Gao和Jim Green他爸有一腿,然后LiLei在第一次去Jim他家见到Jim的妹妹Kate Green的时候就心怀不轨```反正我一直特讨厌李雷,觉得此男猥琐虚伪的要命。还有Jim家貌似很有钱的样子,回英国过圣诞节做飞机,家里还有苹果树```对了又想起来一个证据,有一次他们好像学农去摘苹果,韩美美爬在梯子上,Jim就很紧张的在下面喊Be careful!可是韩美美长了一副那种妇女干部的样子,我也不太喜欢。Lucy和Lily里面我比较喜欢Lily。总觉得lily比较单纯,不像lucy那么有心机。(事实证明是我比较有心机```初中英语课本能联想这么多```)
比较诡异的还有那个什么Uncle Wang,创造了一个什么可以飞的自行车,还有一个合成词叫什么来着?觉得他真是科学怪人。。。最最诡异的是有一个电话号码,6098724,是一个对话里面的,我一直记着,而且脱口就出。。。结果不幸在天涯看到竟然有人和我一样对这个号码念念不忘。。。
脱口而出的还有:How are you? Fine, thank you ,and you? Im fine too. 我这个土人一直到现在见了人还老忍不住来这一套```觉得不这样简直没法外国人展开交流```印象比较深的还有李雷和jim玩飞盘那次,jim把李雷的头给砸了,当时觉得jim是成心这么做的,因为这个事情发生在借尺子事件没多久之后。
Li Lei,Han Meimei,和Jim Green缠绵悱恻的爱情故事
这是有实例为证的:当年韩MM课外劳动摘苹果,和树下的李帅哥眉来眼去有点得意忘形了,此时被冷落一边的Jim大叫一声:"Be careful!"由此,关爱之情可见一斑。而韩MM除了简单报以"Thank you"之外,居然又自得其乐地跟李帅哥开始了聊天……
感谢岁月,感谢生活,也感谢人的记忆,能让我们总记得一些美好的过去,忘掉当下的一些不快,并能走向幸福的未来(就像Han Meimei和Jim一样)```
Li Lei 和 Jim Green的故事
Jim Green,全名是James Allen Green,被翻译成吉姆·格林(詹姆斯·艾伦·格林),在中国生活的英国孩子,一头棕色的卷发,喜欢穿深色的T恤,给人的印象是有活力、聪明,但是有些马虎,时常犯些小错误。
这一中一英两个男孩,就是这六本英文课本最主要的角色了。那么,他们中,谁是最大的男主角呢?我一直是比较欣赏Li Lei的(或许也是因为他是中国人?),和很多同学一样认为他是第一男主角。
最终结果,Jim的出现次数略高于Li Lei。呵呵,这毕竟是英语课本,就承认Jim的第一男主角地位吧。
7+8:统计的数据我现在没有,不过我还能记得最前面的那些孩子。最重要的七个同学组成了第一集团:Jim Green
Li Lei
Han Meimei
Kate Green
Lucy King
Lily King
Ann Read
Lin Tao
Wei Hua
Ling Feng
Tom Read
说明一下,Tom的出镜率很低,但是出来的时候文章一般都比较长,何况他是Ann的兄弟,第一册第一张彩页上露脸的人,所以放第二集团不过份。说一下第一册第一张彩页吧,我总觉得这有一种英雄排座次的作用。上面有四幅图,三幅是三个家族:Green家族(英国人)、King家族(美国人)、Read家族(加拿大人),每幅都是父母和两个孩子一共四人。第一幅图则是五人:Li Lei、Han Meimei和LinTao,外加老师Miss Gao(Gao Hui)和Uncle Wang。在这张彩页上,第一集团的七人全部在。
重要人物:Han Meimei
如果说谁是第一男主角还存在争议的话,第一女主角就当仁不让的是Han Meimei。这个齐耳短发的中国女孩,文雅温和,智慧善良,几乎是所有女性美德的化身。在书中,她更像是一个姐姐的身份,帮助同学们排忧解难。
很多人都觉得,Li Lei和Han Meimei天生一对。然而我经过统计发现,其实HanMeimei和Jim一起出现的时候更多,尤其是后期。想想也是,排除国际友谊因素,Han Meimei和LiLei的性格是相似的,而跟Jim却是互补的,更适合在一起。
Kate Green,Jim的妹妹。和哥哥一样,Kate也是昵称,全称是Catherine(凯瑟琳)。同样是一头棕色卷发(不知怎么,Jim和Kate总让我想起哈里·波特中的罗恩和金妮,Han Meimei则让我想起赫敏)。Kate很活泼可爱,后来戏份也越来越多。我奇怪为啥她不和同年龄的小朋友们玩,要和大几岁的哥哥的朋友们玩。
Lucy and Lily
Ann是加拿大人,一头金色长发,标准的西方血统。她和Jim、Lilei他们不在一个班,但是和Han Meimei是好朋友,另外她还有一个中国好朋友Chen Hua(女孩)。
Ann在书中最重头的一次出场是她的生日,重要人物几乎全部出场参加。从此我知道了Fried Chicken,Fish and Chips这两种食物。不过当时没有概念,直到我们家乡出现了肯德鸡……
Lin Tao
Sam and Bill
Wei Hua
Han Meimei的好朋友。我发现L、H、J、A四巨头都有各自的好朋友。Wei Hua又是一个热情贤淑型中国女孩,不过感觉不如Han Meimei成熟。
Ling Feng
跟其他中国孩子相比,Ling Feng显得比较成熟而独立。后期他出现的次数很多,但我最记得的还是他第一次出现时候被Jim的飞盘砸中了脑袋……
除了以上15人之外,还有一些让人记住的同学。比如MaLili,初一初二她都出现了,而且都是喊"起立"的那一个。看来,她就是1班里学号1号的学生了。还有Sun Huimin、Li Ming、LiuMing、Fang Xiaoling、Bob White……等等。
记得最后一课(澳大利亚的那座大石头山)结束后,结束框里就简简单单一句话:Goodbye everyone,Goodluck!我学到这里不禁热泪盈眶……
好像我之前离不开Hwa Chong 宿舍,不能承受自己一个人住一样。
Scarlet is leaving. I don't know. I am really thunderstruck by te fact that one of my best friends is leaving. She isn't the only one. Lost of others are parting with me. Among them are some towards whom I can open and confess my heart.
Now I'm tired. I suddenly find that something I've being doing recently seems really ridiculous.
But it's okay. 就像珍娜说的,我就要开始新生活了。
很多朋友考的都不是很理想。Nevertheless, moderation后就差不多了。怎么说呢,很希望大家不要分散得太厉害,我大概很难再交到这么一群朋友了。
O Level还是一道槛,我也不敢懈怠。只能对自己说加油,吸取这次考试的种种教训,争取上理想的JC.
在YouTube 看到这部电影的一个片花,天哪,是Jon Bon Jovi演的,而且内容还很少儿不宜……当时的Jon还很年轻啊。那女的好象是演Mission Impossible 2的……
最近一直在听Green day 的歌。现在才发现American Idiot这张专辑是反战的。真的很不错。Boulevard of broken dreams, Holiday, American Idiot和Wake me up when September ends 着几首歌的MV我都看了。论MV当然是Wake me up when September ends比较好啦。有情节。但是我最喜欢的歌还是Boulevard of broken dreams。 Billy Joe,这个娃娃脸的可爱男生竟是Green day 的主唱。我一直以为那样浑厚的声音属于那种老牌摇滚乐团里上了年纪的主唱
Well, it's still a few days from the releasing of prelim results, yet every day I feel an urge to record down my feelings 'cos I really need to write something to drive off my nervousness. Still, the mystery of how exactly have I performed In my biology keeps burning the inside of me. I don't know. I just need to know a result. I wonder what it will be like, when I look back on these diaries after the "O"Level. Maybe I'll really enjoy these troubled feelings, or still I have tear to shed.
I wonder whether I'm sane. Anyway, things are happening around me. Many more troubles are coming from many more people. Well, despite the fact that it's understandable, I still believe that no pain no gain. Marks are given to a large extent by merit. I admit I'm indeed lazy. It's okay. I'm still quite confident that I'll be able to accept whatever results I have done.
Oh shit. I'm feeling more and more dreadful with every second passing by. I kept looking back on how I had finished my physics and biology papers and was getting more and more worried as more and more stupid mistakes, which would took most of my marks, were found out. Yet I really didn't have the strength to pull myself back to the track. How I wish that a fire will do me a favor by just engulfing all the prelim physics papers, so that I would have a chance of being tested again. This, however, would surely occur only in fictions.
Calm down, I can't just beat myself down like this. Come to think about this, it's only an exam, and the worst part of all is that I go to NJC, which I have prepared myself to accept. Of course, it's not likely to happen. Maybe I'll just go to VJC, which in my opinion is quite okay. Or if I can get satisfactory mark I would go to the school of my dream, Hwa Chong.
Well, no pain no gain. I have already felt that I didn't really put as much effort as I should have. I regret. I always believe that I could have done much better. But, well, studying is just something that will challenge your self-control. Okay, I believe I will do as good in VJ as in Hwa Chong. Never mind, the result is not out yet, so please don't frighten yourself in any way. Believe yourself.
成绩让人很无奈。尤其是中华文学。据老师讲来应该是很不好了。大家都义愤填膺。我也是其中一员吧。虽然说追根究底还是自己知识不扎实。怎么说呢。我挺难面对这个事实的。真的。我宁愿相信是自己太笨了学不进去。这样的想法真的是很不负责任。我就是没有办法相信我会砸在这最后一次考试上。来新加坡考了这么多次试,结果在唯一决定我命运的关键考试上马虎了。That's really cruel reality.
Well, how to say? I cannot really describe my feelings accurately now. It's like I'm going to face something that are extremely horrendous, yet at the same time, exciting. Yes, I really would like to know the results of my exams immediately, although I reckon I may really cry if I know how badly I have done.
Sometimes I just like to cling on things, again and again, knowing that it would lead me to an inevitable mistake but being not able to control myself. Well, it's either that I intend not to correct myself, or that I'm really too stupid to recognize my lop-sided behavior.
It's very likely that I may not be able to go to Hwa Chong Junior College, to which I have hoped to go for two years. Well, I think I really hate the idea of migrating, leaving a hostel that I have been living for 2 years. I'm sort of like carbon peroxide, which binds easily with oxygen but won't dissociate that easy. It takes a considerable amount of time to get used to this boarding school, but once I have lived here for 2 years, I really don't want to leave for another new boarding school, which would surely means that I might have to sacrifice another year to get used it. Maybe it won't take that long. But come to think about it. I would readily admit the fact that I'm a failure and that I 'm not that flexible, rather than try my luck in another boarding school. I obviously lack of adaptability.
生活像是被阴霾笼罩着。我不知道要怎么集中注意力。还需要考别的吗?I'm already lost
This script really amazed me. This is sort of "The blind cat can catch the dead mouse" thing. This would never make me feel any better about my English. I really think that my vocabulary and my expressions suck. I have to admit that it is the lack of time that triggered to write those words which I previously thought must be very off. If I were to write faster, I would really get a so-called "Low-standard" script which had the wrong focus.
Recently I've been desperately trying to improve my English. I finally begin to read. However reading doesn't seem to help me much (or rather I have never read properly). All I feel is that I am still using those "old-fashioned" that I had used for at least 3 years, since my left for Singapore. I don't know how to plug in those "high-level" vocabularies.
Die die must try. This is typical" Singlish". But this can describe my situation very accurately and vividly. Although I really feel that English is driving me crazy, I still have to try.
I am going to buy Nokia N73!Music Edition!
We have just finished the Chapter of the Fall of the Communist Empire in History. Then I gradually came to understand the former leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev.
It's really hard to give a comprehensive judgment of this man. In my view he is a hero, who had the heart and ambition, but eventually failed.
He was quite farseeing, as in he could see what was needed to really improve the developments of the Soviet Union. However, at the same time, he was not wise enough. Maybe he hadn't expected that he might fail one day. Or I would rather believe that he had thought of his failure, but was still determined to take a go on his political career, or more accurately, on the destiny of his nation.
When the collapse of the Soviet Union and the communism seemed inevitable, Gorbachev still endeavored to find a solution. He refused to give his country or his people up. His policies were brilliantly, but not applicable to the Soviet Union of that period, and thus, in a way, sped up the fall of the Communist Empire.
It all seemed ridiculously, when I read about the fact that the communist hard-liners thought Gorbachev's actions were all anti-communism. Didn't any one of them have sense? Couldn't they foresee what would happen to the USSR if no informs were introduced? And the people, why were they all so shortsighted? Was it true that no one in the Soviet Union could understand his pure diligence?
However, I knew clearly that all my accusations were just biased. No one was to be blamed. That is history. You have no stand to give judgments about anything, if you have never experienced the event yourself. In most occasions you can't even differentiate the right and wrong, because that is called history, such a complex subject that you can never know the exact solution which you can expect to get in science. Maybe this is the charm of literature.
Gorbachev, if I am to say, is a hero, who has born in a wrong age.
为了解决杯子问题,我星期五下午和于尧去了Ang Mio Kio Fairprice Extra。那里的便携型保温杯只有一种,银色的,made in Japan。全身爬满了日语,没英文没中文。颜色我不是很习惯,同型号的还应该有一款大红色的,但没卖的了。在我郁闷地发现这是唯一的保温杯时,我还是毫不犹豫买了它。S$43,都比我钢笔贵了。
我的那篇"How I Made A Difference"被送出去参赛了。本来还想所可能换个纪念奖,但最后发现只有前三名有奖品。晕,很小气啊。看来我没希望了。
I scored 29 for my English oral
A score that is neither too high nor too low
So I don't need to laugh or to cry.
Life is like this
Prelim is coming
I am really stressed
Too many things happened
Science practical made me feel like an idiot.
Ho Ho
Be a happy girl
Start reviewing my friends!
Yesterday the symphonic band, my CCA, completed their final performance. He Miao and I got our certificates. We actually went on stage to receive the certificate, despite the fact that we didn't join the performance at all. After that, we received a lot of cards from our section mates, but they didn't cheer us up. I felt that the words on the all the cards were actually the same, nothing more than wishing us to get to the junior college of our dreams.
However, I knew clearly that I deserve no more than that. I sometimes felt that I was completely a failure, who only blew things up. Everything I had done couldn't be seen as contributions. After all I had no ability to contribute anything. That was sad. That was me.
I had no ability to learn percussion, or to perform. I could not stand to look into the teachers' eyes. I couldn't stand to stay with band any more. Every time I entered the band room I felt pressure and depress. I couldn't cope with the life here. Frankly speaking I was not too stupid, but rather too lazy to learn. I valued my curriculum and study much more than band. That's why I failed. Besides that, I often got nervous. I could finish a music part by myself easily, but not when someone was around, checking my skills.
I am not sure whether I am able to adapt to the life here in Singapore. I participated in math and science competitions, projects and performance. But I seemed to be a failure every time.
Leaving band gives me a complex feeling. I don't want to describe it. But the thing is, I am free now. No matter what a stupid idiot I have been, no matter how my fellows and teachers view me or even despise me, I finally get back to my ordinary days, and my direction is never changed. I am gonna work hard. I am going to Hwa Chong, the Junior College of my dream.
Yesterday when we went to buy sushi together, Yu Yao said that the two years' life in Singapore was just a waste of time. Indeed the length was two years, but we were so empty. The most recent memory we had was probably the ones in China.
I suddenly realized. For the last two years ,we had been constantly talking about the past, the precious memory of China, of the former Secondary life.
I tried hard to find some meaningful events but failed.
How could I improve the life quality?
I cried, when I succeeded in quitting the band's final performance.
He Miao's and my part were both reduced to a poor amount. Unable to stand this anymore, she claimed to the former section leader that she didn't want to continue the performance.
I actually also hated the idea of performing such little amount. And I was afraid if I would just spoil the whole thing.
This afternoon on entering the band room, the band leader came to us and told us that we could drop the piece, and that we could get the certificate anyway even if we were spectators.
I felt lost. And suddenly I found I hadn't done anything during my two years in band. I was really ashamed.
How dare I talk to my section leader like that?
I knew this was only an instant thought. My thought would change dramatically with just a little variation of the environment. And anyway, the situation today just made me feel like I was an irresponsible idiot.
The former band leader also came to comfort us. She said it really didn't matter that we couldn't play well. Actually it was really okay as she herself wasn't a successful drummer in Sec 2. She only started hard practicing from Sec 3. Also, scholars like us didn't really have time to practice( except my senior Peiqian). We would face the problem of being sent back to China if we couldn't handle the study.
I knew it was just comforting words. I appreciated the fact that she, a seemingly stern leader, had the heart to solace us, although I was not sure whether our leaves could make percussion better. But I did hope so. I hope Percussion could put up a wonderful show this time, and I had confidence in them.
However, for myself, I could only say that my choice of CCA was a complete mistake. I should have followed my heart, just like what Mohan had once said.
It's alright, I am learning
I cried when I left the band room. My mind was a mixture of feelings. I felt shameful. But what was more, I was deeply touched by my two years' life in this school and this band.
I suddenly felt that this group of people was very adorable.
I didn't know what to say. Indeed I was the trouble-maker.
I was glad that I was finally freed, but deep in my heart, this freedom was just another form of constriction and pressure to my mind.
I was confused. What about my life after this?
然后自己买了护甲油和洗甲水,Sally Hansen 的。对这种东西牌子没有什么研究啦。感觉还好吧。
Today during my CCA, I was scolded again, and was then told that the crash part that I had been practicing for almost a month would be played someone else.
The reason was that I had blown up the new suspended cymbal part.
I didn't say anything. What could I possibly say? I had absolute no stand to comment on everything they did to me. Nor could I resist or defend myself.
I admit that I am stupid and not talented at all in music. And my joining band from the start was a mistake. I should have followed my dream and interest, instead of controlled rigidly by the cruel CCA mark. Up to this stage I could only taste the tragic effect of my stupid choice.
However, I wanna cry out. I could not stand it any longer. I hate them. From the bottom of my heart, I feel that few of the people in my section was kind-hearted.
I feel devastated.
Yet, I could go on. I firmly believe that.
I am always ready to fight with them. I try not to get nervous. They will insult me in whatever way them could, but that would make me even more persevering to hold on my believes.
在我的众多英文歌中,不经意间又听到了我小学时很迷恋的F4的声音。那时他们当时给星际宝贝唱的中文主题曲《Can’t help falling in love》,当时为了搞那个MTV,我不知跑了多少家音像店啊。
现在再重温时,仍然是觉得声音最温柔最有特色的是周渝民,那个当年迷倒无数少女的花泽类。哈哈,夸张一下。我当时可是把零花钱全部投在他们的专辑上了。现在那一堆堆碟大概是在我的房子某个角落享受蜘蛛网的覆盖吧。I'm finally back to Xianyang…When I stepped down the little narrow plane and felt the air of my hometown, rushing all the way to the collecting luggage place, I was not really too excited. Then I
quickly found mine and rushed out of the airport, I saw my parents, my sister and my best friends Mengmeng , Mingming and Lulu. How happy I felt. And I was lucky, cos' I was the only one in the airport who was welcomed by good friends. Before I arrived, I don't quite believe I would cry. But at that time my tears couldn't control themselves and just flew down my cheeks. Then, affecting by me, my sister and my friends burst into tears too. My parents tried hard to stop themselves from crying.
My friend brought me a Liitle BuBu. Very Cute. I love it. Along with the bear was a scarf. Beautiful and warming. I really appreciated them. Just like our warming friendship. We went to Little Sheep for hot pots after that. We ate a lot. I must have intaken lost of fat. But I don't care.
My friends won't be able to stay with me for long cos' they've still got exams and they had to prepared for their High School Exam. I don't think the name is appropriated
In the first few days, I just went to my grandma's and ate many local delicious too. I felt like want to eat up the whole province. You just can't expect any Singaporean food to be tasted like that.
Today I went to see my teachers. My Math, Physics and English teachers. They can be considered as nice. We also visited our headmaster. He had once come to Xin Min and visited us.
A beautiful day. Many beautiful days. I just expect a simpler life, a striving life and… I don't know. Just not want to face it. Reality, I hate it, also like it.
现在的生活就是一场郁闷的电视连续剧,乌云散去重见天日的那一天仿佛还远在天边。Life is miserable. 最让人无奈的还是人心。人心真是不简单。无论如何都控制不了,改变不了。罢了罢了,那就别去改了。快要回去了,要见到永远站在我身边支持我的朋友了。感激她。在新加坡的日子,若是没有她,我要如何面对我身边的一切事实与虚伪呢?如何去平衡自己的心理,接受一切偏见呢?也许我这样的人是不讨人喜欢罢了。那只是他们瞎了眼。萌萌说的对,无法改变别人,难道还不能坚持自己么?坚持对的,微笑下去,做生活中的强者。
Anyway, why do we fall? we fall to learn to stand up again.
I don't know why, but, but, but, something, may be my leaving for Singapore, has been preventing me from enjoying the happiness of staying at home…
I began to be more dependent on music, on Bon Jovi.
I think he's fabulous. Every song of his has been so impressive, so infectious. They cannot bring me to heaven. However, they bring heaven to me. My dreamland, making me realize that heavy metal seems so soft and smooth.
I used to fancy light and mild colours, such as sky blue and light green. Now I'm more prone to warm or even violent colours.
I like pure red, pure black, pure yellow and golden.
I'm changed.
Suddenly I found I was using all kinds of lies to deceive myself. I told myself I should rest for the whole holiday, then later I found out I was just looking for any excuse to release myself from my duty.
I used to hate myself for all my daydreaming. They seem so far from someone like me. I used to live in great self-deprecation.
Now I know something new.
Open the heart, so that sunshine can get in.
Deeply touched by Yu Dan and her talk. The greatest weapon in the world, is the serenity of mind.
Accept those your so-called unfairness, and try to improve yourself.
Today I found every Chinese in the boarding school except my fellows from Xianyang is very rich. There's a boy whose father is a mayor. Others' parents are mostly businessmen. This reminds me of the ancient China, where women are to marry rich men, and at least the men must have more property than women. I used to think this thought is very vulgar in the eyes of youth nowadays. But a senior tells me it's not true. She said she was to find a boy who had to be richer than her. Money in this world was the most important factor. I was quite startled. She then told me there was a girl in her school who always liked rich men and spent his money.
This world itself is like this, I thought. When I was in primary school I believed in romance in soap operas. Now I am in secondary school I believe that true love can overcome all the obstacles. I despise things that are linked with money. But I wonder what I will be like in the future. The senior who told me those is going to be 19. She has a boyfriend. I think people will be mature after 18. But I don't think she's more mature than me. Or rather, I am the most childish one who have never experienced real life.