23 Jun 2007


I don't know why, but, but, but, something, may be my leaving for Singapore, has been preventing me from enjoying the happiness of staying at home…

I began to be more dependent on music, on Bon Jovi.

I think he's fabulous. Every song of his has been so impressive, so infectious. They cannot bring me to heaven. However, they bring heaven to me. My dreamland, making me realize that heavy metal seems so soft and smooth.

I used to fancy light and mild colours, such as sky blue and light green. Now I'm more prone to warm or even violent colours.

I like pure red, pure black, pure yellow and golden.

I'm changed.

Suddenly I found I was using all kinds of lies to deceive myself. I told myself I should rest for the whole holiday, then later I found out I was just looking for any excuse to release myself from my duty.

I used to hate myself for all my daydreaming. They seem so far from someone like me. I used to live in great self-deprecation.

Now I know something new.

Open the heart, so that sunshine can get in.

Deeply touched by Yu Dan and her talk. The greatest weapon in the world, is the serenity of mind.

Accept those your so-called unfairness, and try to improve yourself.

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