24 Feb 2008

I don't know how long I can hold on. But for now, for this moment, let's just say that I enjoy the feelings.Nothing around me really matters. All that in my mind is to study.
最近一直在听温兆伦的歌 为此被鄙视好多回了 温sir帅啊 就是太多人觉得他老了
星期五上课时像是疯狂的 我边听歌边上lecture 睡着了好几次 没办法 老师的课sucks 我不得不听歌 听的时候我就想这是多么爽的一件事啊 我的心已经在歌里了 而眼睛还是不断地向口若悬河的老师投出鄙夷的目光
but that can't last forever I know what I've done is incorrectly
If I am a bad student I'll just skip the lesson and go for music
But I'm a scholar. I'm supposed to be good.
Life is fucking miserable.
看《爱在战火纷飞时》我就好喜欢那首《不敢哭》 我还听一些诸如《永远是你》歌曲都是讲爱情的 鉴于我已与爱情无缘 我就把《不敢哭》当成一种内心独白。
I'm still an antisocial. I'm still alone. But I kind of enjoy this life. Maybe it can't last. Maybe oneday I'll be forced back to reality. Maybe one day I'll have to be responsible for the consequences of all these mistakes. But just for now, let me clear my mind. Try and find some joy in anti-social. Try to rest my heart in loneliness

1 comment:

Jenna said...


