想想明天就要回国了。今天去office check out的时候,人家告诉我我的卡要被deactivate了,我还小愣了一下。回想起来,我在这个鬼地方住了四年,刷卡刷了四年。可是明天早上我再出了那个门,就再也刷不进来了。
我一直很想成为冰莹那样的女生,不需要用特别过人的分数或者特别美丽的外表来吸引别人(也是因为我真的没有)。最后我却觉得自己很滑稽。不知道为什么,也许是自卑心理在作祟?总觉得自己很奇怪,尤其是上了JC。这也许是为什么我喜欢和新民人hang out吧,和他们在一起我经常会忘了我想成为的那种身份。四年之后我总算发现我永远不可能成为她。
有的时候,一个人走路,我总是想,我能不能越走越小,最后化为乌有?我嘻嘻哈哈打打闹闹,有时声音大吼一吼。我快19岁的人了,被别人认成是考O level的,那人还惊奇的看着我说你这么小就考O level啊。别人说我穿衣服不成熟说话不成熟长相更是幼稚至极。这也许是为什么我时不时就提醒别人其实我思想真的很成熟。我觉得我比LX成熟因为我觉得他的思路很幼稚,我还很不能理解这些朋友这么熟了怎么就没发现我的内涵呢?最后我想成熟是个什么东西,凭什么我要变成熟,为什么成熟不能变成我。
可是我又胆小。这一点也和冰莹相反。我见到陌生人只能互相问好,然后就是沉默,可怕的沉默。要我去向谁表个白不如罚我跑2400。可是就是这样的我,J1那年还是在网上和ZRY同学表白了,并且在考BT 1 的时候不怕死的聊QQ聊到半夜。最后还惨遭拒绝。这是不是说,往往看上去最不可能的人会做最出乎意料的事情?这难道真的是因为我很喜欢他?可不可能只是我潜意识里想表白一次,于是就这么做了?但理智难道也就真的一点不剩了?把复习都抛在脑后了?
我真的不知道这篇文章怎么写到这儿来了。我本来是想发发牢骚,感慨一下让我心绪不宁的A Level,以及我的US uni applications的。
最近每天check n 次email。一直等Brown的邮件,我自己想象过无数次如果被reject怎么办。在我的脑海里其实被reject是极为意料之中的,所以我猜我会很calm地接受结果。可是想象就是想象,要是真的杯具了,我会怎么办呢?
前几天被A Level打击。好不容易缓过神来了,又被LX的同学那句"你报的学校全是dream schools"所打击。其实我有想到过全聚德的,理智虽然告诉我可能性不低,但是这个信息一直被我的身体里的一些东西压着抬不起头来。但是真的有人说出来是,好似我的理智被奋力一推,直冲主导地位,让我本来不平静的心灵。。。更加不平静。明年要租房子,要找工作,要这个要那个,真的好麻烦。我最怕麻烦,麻烦喜欢我。
6 Dec 2009
1 Dec 2009
Everything is over
I need a new start. I need a new life.
Everything I am doing is confusing me. What am I writing this for? What am I communicating with others for? What am I studying for?
Suddenly my whole life becomes a joke. It is now 2 am in the morning and I don't know where my future lies. I want to give up but I can't, because I have to be responsible as a daughter and as a friend. But who the hell created all the responsibilities? I'm a girl, a student, a friend and a daughter and so what? I have too many questions here but all I can do is follow whatever rules written by others, when I don't even care about them. And now 18 years after I was born, I still don't have a direction. I don't have a goal. My life is boring but everybody tells me that yes that's what you have to go through because this is life. It's about roles and responsibilities. Winners are those who can survive after fulfilling all their duties. So, I am a loser. I have no inter-personal skills. I have no sophisticated brain. I'm not considerate enough.
What if I say I don't want to follow orders? I don't care about all those rules. My life is mine and I can finish it whenever I want. I want to at least set up a goal for myself, a goal that I would really want to work towards, a goal that is not "created by this society and accepted by me". Why do I feel that everything is just so not real? I can give myself up anytime but I still have love from my friends and my family and so I have to carry on.
What is really the meaning of my life? Seriously, please tell me before I lose my clear mind tomorrow, before I go and join others in meaningless activities. My life is never really in my hand. It lies in the opinion of this society.
I don't even want a tomorrow.
Everything I am doing is confusing me. What am I writing this for? What am I communicating with others for? What am I studying for?
Suddenly my whole life becomes a joke. It is now 2 am in the morning and I don't know where my future lies. I want to give up but I can't, because I have to be responsible as a daughter and as a friend. But who the hell created all the responsibilities? I'm a girl, a student, a friend and a daughter and so what? I have too many questions here but all I can do is follow whatever rules written by others, when I don't even care about them. And now 18 years after I was born, I still don't have a direction. I don't have a goal. My life is boring but everybody tells me that yes that's what you have to go through because this is life. It's about roles and responsibilities. Winners are those who can survive after fulfilling all their duties. So, I am a loser. I have no inter-personal skills. I have no sophisticated brain. I'm not considerate enough.
What if I say I don't want to follow orders? I don't care about all those rules. My life is mine and I can finish it whenever I want. I want to at least set up a goal for myself, a goal that I would really want to work towards, a goal that is not "created by this society and accepted by me". Why do I feel that everything is just so not real? I can give myself up anytime but I still have love from my friends and my family and so I have to carry on.
What is really the meaning of my life? Seriously, please tell me before I lose my clear mind tomorrow, before I go and join others in meaningless activities. My life is never really in my hand. It lies in the opinion of this society.
I don't even want a tomorrow.
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