23 Apr 2008

Chem SPA

The fucking practical... I blew it up again.
I still can't finish it at all. Shit! I used the wrong strategy. And it ended up with me having no more time to do a second titration... Horrible! I don't even have time to check my presentation. My value is off. The only titration done must be extremely inaccurate.

If only, if only I can finish something without regret, my life would be much less miserable.

Yet I have never done anything good. I'm a specialised failure. I only have the ability to make 100% failing rate. That's kinda "cool"


Jenna said...


chem test 我得11.5/20
lecture test两页纸没答

lecture从来不听讲 和tx讲话
tutorial也不听 给某人发短信

6月份 我好向往啊

SenCordE said...

我是陆欣~ 不需要放“unknown”了~~