想想明天就要回国了。今天去office check out的时候,人家告诉我我的卡要被deactivate了,我还小愣了一下。回想起来,我在这个鬼地方住了四年,刷卡刷了四年。可是明天早上我再出了那个门,就再也刷不进来了。
我一直很想成为冰莹那样的女生,不需要用特别过人的分数或者特别美丽的外表来吸引别人(也是因为我真的没有)。最后我却觉得自己很滑稽。不知道为什么,也许是自卑心理在作祟?总觉得自己很奇怪,尤其是上了JC。这也许是为什么我喜欢和新民人hang out吧,和他们在一起我经常会忘了我想成为的那种身份。四年之后我总算发现我永远不可能成为她。
有的时候,一个人走路,我总是想,我能不能越走越小,最后化为乌有?我嘻嘻哈哈打打闹闹,有时声音大吼一吼。我快19岁的人了,被别人认成是考O level的,那人还惊奇的看着我说你这么小就考O level啊。别人说我穿衣服不成熟说话不成熟长相更是幼稚至极。这也许是为什么我时不时就提醒别人其实我思想真的很成熟。我觉得我比LX成熟因为我觉得他的思路很幼稚,我还很不能理解这些朋友这么熟了怎么就没发现我的内涵呢?最后我想成熟是个什么东西,凭什么我要变成熟,为什么成熟不能变成我。
可是我又胆小。这一点也和冰莹相反。我见到陌生人只能互相问好,然后就是沉默,可怕的沉默。要我去向谁表个白不如罚我跑2400。可是就是这样的我,J1那年还是在网上和ZRY同学表白了,并且在考BT 1 的时候不怕死的聊QQ聊到半夜。最后还惨遭拒绝。这是不是说,往往看上去最不可能的人会做最出乎意料的事情?这难道真的是因为我很喜欢他?可不可能只是我潜意识里想表白一次,于是就这么做了?但理智难道也就真的一点不剩了?把复习都抛在脑后了?
我真的不知道这篇文章怎么写到这儿来了。我本来是想发发牢骚,感慨一下让我心绪不宁的A Level,以及我的US uni applications的。
最近每天check n 次email。一直等Brown的邮件,我自己想象过无数次如果被reject怎么办。在我的脑海里其实被reject是极为意料之中的,所以我猜我会很calm地接受结果。可是想象就是想象,要是真的杯具了,我会怎么办呢?
前几天被A Level打击。好不容易缓过神来了,又被LX的同学那句"你报的学校全是dream schools"所打击。其实我有想到过全聚德的,理智虽然告诉我可能性不低,但是这个信息一直被我的身体里的一些东西压着抬不起头来。但是真的有人说出来是,好似我的理智被奋力一推,直冲主导地位,让我本来不平静的心灵。。。更加不平静。明年要租房子,要找工作,要这个要那个,真的好麻烦。我最怕麻烦,麻烦喜欢我。
6 Dec 2009
1 Dec 2009
Everything is over
I need a new start. I need a new life.
Everything I am doing is confusing me. What am I writing this for? What am I communicating with others for? What am I studying for?
Suddenly my whole life becomes a joke. It is now 2 am in the morning and I don't know where my future lies. I want to give up but I can't, because I have to be responsible as a daughter and as a friend. But who the hell created all the responsibilities? I'm a girl, a student, a friend and a daughter and so what? I have too many questions here but all I can do is follow whatever rules written by others, when I don't even care about them. And now 18 years after I was born, I still don't have a direction. I don't have a goal. My life is boring but everybody tells me that yes that's what you have to go through because this is life. It's about roles and responsibilities. Winners are those who can survive after fulfilling all their duties. So, I am a loser. I have no inter-personal skills. I have no sophisticated brain. I'm not considerate enough.
What if I say I don't want to follow orders? I don't care about all those rules. My life is mine and I can finish it whenever I want. I want to at least set up a goal for myself, a goal that I would really want to work towards, a goal that is not "created by this society and accepted by me". Why do I feel that everything is just so not real? I can give myself up anytime but I still have love from my friends and my family and so I have to carry on.
What is really the meaning of my life? Seriously, please tell me before I lose my clear mind tomorrow, before I go and join others in meaningless activities. My life is never really in my hand. It lies in the opinion of this society.
I don't even want a tomorrow.
Everything I am doing is confusing me. What am I writing this for? What am I communicating with others for? What am I studying for?
Suddenly my whole life becomes a joke. It is now 2 am in the morning and I don't know where my future lies. I want to give up but I can't, because I have to be responsible as a daughter and as a friend. But who the hell created all the responsibilities? I'm a girl, a student, a friend and a daughter and so what? I have too many questions here but all I can do is follow whatever rules written by others, when I don't even care about them. And now 18 years after I was born, I still don't have a direction. I don't have a goal. My life is boring but everybody tells me that yes that's what you have to go through because this is life. It's about roles and responsibilities. Winners are those who can survive after fulfilling all their duties. So, I am a loser. I have no inter-personal skills. I have no sophisticated brain. I'm not considerate enough.
What if I say I don't want to follow orders? I don't care about all those rules. My life is mine and I can finish it whenever I want. I want to at least set up a goal for myself, a goal that I would really want to work towards, a goal that is not "created by this society and accepted by me". Why do I feel that everything is just so not real? I can give myself up anytime but I still have love from my friends and my family and so I have to carry on.
What is really the meaning of my life? Seriously, please tell me before I lose my clear mind tomorrow, before I go and join others in meaningless activities. My life is never really in my hand. It lies in the opinion of this society.
I don't even want a tomorrow.
21 Nov 2009
15 Nov 2009
I really need to type something tonight
I didn't review anything today. I went for a Brown Interview this morning, and my performance was...quite disappointing. I forgot to mention lots of important things (How could I even forget? Faint!)
However, I do like the interview. It was more a conversation than a interview. My interviewer is nice and it was pleasant talking to him. But the problem is, the more I learn about Brown, the more I love it, and the more I want to get admitted.
This is so not what I have planned. My original proposal was to just apply some schools and try my luck. The worst result would be to go to NUS. But now, nothing is going according to the plan. I have fallen in love with Brown. Everything about Brown seems perfect to me (quite expected), but I, on the other hand, is extremely ordinary compared to the large pool of excellent students applying Brown.
I could still remember the days when I rushed to complete my essays. I have written over 10 drafts for 2 essays. I asked the help of my friends, my juniors and my teachers. Although no teacher would vet it for me in the end, I still loved those two essays. But me loving it is clearly not enough. Brown must love it, too.
I enjoyed the process, actually. I enjoyed hanging around in College Confidential and CUUS, going over those old threads,admiring all those Niu people who received their dream offers,but also learned from those people who carried on despite of some disappointing rejects.
I learned about US universities, and was fascinated by the curriculum and philosophy of Liberal Arts Educations. I learned about Brown's open curriculum, its lack of frat life, its focus on passion and interest in learning. Then I suddenly realized Brown is just the ideal university I have always been wanting to go to. I became excited, and at the same time, worried. She only admitted a small percent of the large applicants pool, and the chance of me being one of those admitted is low. Truly, I have no fantastic GPA, no fantastic SAT scores, no good leadership experience. But I keep telling myself I have passion and my own goal. So I should go and have a try. At first I really thought it would be just a try. But after all those research, all those essay writing time, I became more and more clear about what I want. Brown has become my dream school. Although I know my chance is low, I do not want to mess up any part of my application.
Still I made some huge mistakes. I didn't do well in prelim. I didn't do well in interview. And at this time I am already not able to comfort myself by saying "it is okay the worst is to go to NUS." I want to go to Brown. I know there are lots of people, many of whom are better than me, out there who think the same. Everyone wants go to a great university.
The more I try, the more hopeful I become, and the more I fear failures.
Now I even wonder whether NUS would be my safety option. After all, I did not really prepare well for A levels. There is a chance I may lose on both sides. What is happening? My plan used to be just write something for the application and then concentrate on A levels. But I went astray, completely. Am I just being silly? Am I just someone who doesn't even know where she stands? Is it just a dream that I may go to Brown someday?
I know that if I could not get this chance, I would never go to Brown again. After all I cannot choose Brown for my graduate program. I try to convince myself that not every wish would come true. Things don't happen just because you wish them to happen. But still I hope I can get into Brown. Maybe I am too hopeful? I don't know.
The interview is not good enough.And my A level is...at stake. I know clearly now what I need to do. I need to put Brown aside and concentrate on my exam. I have messed up the last stage of my application process, and there is just nothing more I can do. I know I love Brown, but why not spend my time doing something more useful, instead of thinking about this again and again?
I feel so much better now that I have written my feelings out. Still, I could not believe that I forgot to mention Blogging today. What was I thinking?
Just carry on. Be hopeful, but be ready for the worst results.
However, I do like the interview. It was more a conversation than a interview. My interviewer is nice and it was pleasant talking to him. But the problem is, the more I learn about Brown, the more I love it, and the more I want to get admitted.
This is so not what I have planned. My original proposal was to just apply some schools and try my luck. The worst result would be to go to NUS. But now, nothing is going according to the plan. I have fallen in love with Brown. Everything about Brown seems perfect to me (quite expected), but I, on the other hand, is extremely ordinary compared to the large pool of excellent students applying Brown.
I could still remember the days when I rushed to complete my essays. I have written over 10 drafts for 2 essays. I asked the help of my friends, my juniors and my teachers. Although no teacher would vet it for me in the end, I still loved those two essays. But me loving it is clearly not enough. Brown must love it, too.
I enjoyed the process, actually. I enjoyed hanging around in College Confidential and CUUS, going over those old threads,admiring all those Niu people who received their dream offers,but also learned from those people who carried on despite of some disappointing rejects.
I learned about US universities, and was fascinated by the curriculum and philosophy of Liberal Arts Educations. I learned about Brown's open curriculum, its lack of frat life, its focus on passion and interest in learning. Then I suddenly realized Brown is just the ideal university I have always been wanting to go to. I became excited, and at the same time, worried. She only admitted a small percent of the large applicants pool, and the chance of me being one of those admitted is low. Truly, I have no fantastic GPA, no fantastic SAT scores, no good leadership experience. But I keep telling myself I have passion and my own goal. So I should go and have a try. At first I really thought it would be just a try. But after all those research, all those essay writing time, I became more and more clear about what I want. Brown has become my dream school. Although I know my chance is low, I do not want to mess up any part of my application.
Still I made some huge mistakes. I didn't do well in prelim. I didn't do well in interview. And at this time I am already not able to comfort myself by saying "it is okay the worst is to go to NUS." I want to go to Brown. I know there are lots of people, many of whom are better than me, out there who think the same. Everyone wants go to a great university.
The more I try, the more hopeful I become, and the more I fear failures.
Now I even wonder whether NUS would be my safety option. After all, I did not really prepare well for A levels. There is a chance I may lose on both sides. What is happening? My plan used to be just write something for the application and then concentrate on A levels. But I went astray, completely. Am I just being silly? Am I just someone who doesn't even know where she stands? Is it just a dream that I may go to Brown someday?
I know that if I could not get this chance, I would never go to Brown again. After all I cannot choose Brown for my graduate program. I try to convince myself that not every wish would come true. Things don't happen just because you wish them to happen. But still I hope I can get into Brown. Maybe I am too hopeful? I don't know.
The interview is not good enough.And my A level is...at stake. I know clearly now what I need to do. I need to put Brown aside and concentrate on my exam. I have messed up the last stage of my application process, and there is just nothing more I can do. I know I love Brown, but why not spend my time doing something more useful, instead of thinking about this again and again?
I feel so much better now that I have written my feelings out. Still, I could not believe that I forgot to mention Blogging today. What was I thinking?
Just carry on. Be hopeful, but be ready for the worst results.
14 Nov 2009
Brown Interview 有感
1. Why do you come to Singapore?
2. What’s your intended major and why?
3. Why do you choose Brown?
4. What do you do outside school?
5. What is your extra-curricular activity in school?
6. What student organizations do you want to join in Brown?
然后就让我问他问题。我问了下比较standard的,比如why did you choose Brown and how has Brown changed you? 最后十分冷场啊,我就硬着头皮又多问了些问题,什么how is Brown’s graduate program?和Are there many strange people in Brown? 结尾的时候还问他 Life in US must be more exciting than life in Singapore right?
当我说喜欢Brown的individuality时,我想说自己不喜欢太多social life,但是我觉得我表达有问题,我自己说出来的时候,怎么听怎么感觉像在说我比较antisocial不喜欢和人交流。而且我是最后才意识到的。
我们提到了UCB,然后他说和brown 很相似,我就说“真的吗?我觉得除了brown是unique之外,别的学校都差不多”。回想起来,好像在拍马屁啊。
1. Why do you come to Singapore?
2. What’s your intended major and why?
3. Why do you choose Brown?
4. What do you do outside school?
5. What is your extra-curricular activity in school?
6. What student organizations do you want to join in Brown?
然后就让我问他问题。我问了下比较standard的,比如why did you choose Brown and how has Brown changed you? 最后十分冷场啊,我就硬着头皮又多问了些问题,什么how is Brown’s graduate program?和Are there many strange people in Brown? 结尾的时候还问他 Life in US must be more exciting than life in Singapore right?
当我说喜欢Brown的individuality时,我想说自己不喜欢太多social life,但是我觉得我表达有问题,我自己说出来的时候,怎么听怎么感觉像在说我比较antisocial不喜欢和人交流。而且我是最后才意识到的。
我们提到了UCB,然后他说和brown 很相似,我就说“真的吗?我觉得除了brown是unique之外,别的学校都差不多”。回想起来,好像在拍马屁啊。
11 Jul 2009
What do they want? Truth? Unrest? Riots?
I guess it upsets The Economist journalists when "public support for the armed forces, which was badly damaged in 1989, appears to have rebounded." They must not want this to happen, because in their opinion, why should there still be people supporting the armed force who were responsible for the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident? They want the Communist Party to be overthrown. They want a "democratic China", because they've been under democracy all along so they think we need it too. They wonder how we survive under this "totalitarian" government. Could they be any stupider?
I'm enraged when they describe the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province as "a gift to party propagandist". What a pity it is that they have never experienced this earthquake. If they did, they might learn the meaning of "shutting up".
What is it that they're not pleased with? The growth of China? The unity of Chinese people? They always wish some riots could happen, so that their theory would be proven true. They use "truth" as a pretence of their true intention. What the hell is "truth"? Who on earth has the right to decide everybody must want the truth? Seriously, can they promise that they have never lied in their entire lives? I guess they prefer a huge circulation of magazines to the stability of Chinese society. I can't believe some people would be silly enough to believe what they say. They are only foreigners who are only interested in profits and their so-called "advanced ideas". Should we blindly criticize the government for some stupid " we want truth" sentiments stirred up by idiots?
I was raised in China. My parents got jobs and I was able to go to school. We are not rich. I learnt history in China so I knew the Communists rescued China from the hands of the evil Westerners. I would support the Communist Party instead of trusting some westerners only for that. I don't really require truth for this Tiananmen Square Incidents. Why "the truth"? because all those famous people who are dead have said that truth is the most important thing in the world? There's nothing such as right or wrong. At least I believe so. I can proudly tell others that I'm a Chinese, and simply for this I would trust the government's ability to make a wise decision. Maybe the truth will be revealed, only not now. Maybe it never will be. I think when the westerners are criticizing our government, they never really think of the consequences. What if there'll be any riots? Any increase in the number of anti-government idiots? What if the order of the society is threatened? Maybe they just want these to happen. They use "moral pressure" to achieve their evil objectivs, so that they'll have more to write, more circulation of the paper and more money to earn. I guess there are just few decent people in the world.
I'm enraged when they describe the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province as "a gift to party propagandist". What a pity it is that they have never experienced this earthquake. If they did, they might learn the meaning of "shutting up".
What is it that they're not pleased with? The growth of China? The unity of Chinese people? They always wish some riots could happen, so that their theory would be proven true. They use "truth" as a pretence of their true intention. What the hell is "truth"? Who on earth has the right to decide everybody must want the truth? Seriously, can they promise that they have never lied in their entire lives? I guess they prefer a huge circulation of magazines to the stability of Chinese society. I can't believe some people would be silly enough to believe what they say. They are only foreigners who are only interested in profits and their so-called "advanced ideas". Should we blindly criticize the government for some stupid " we want truth" sentiments stirred up by idiots?
I was raised in China. My parents got jobs and I was able to go to school. We are not rich. I learnt history in China so I knew the Communists rescued China from the hands of the evil Westerners. I would support the Communist Party instead of trusting some westerners only for that. I don't really require truth for this Tiananmen Square Incidents. Why "the truth"? because all those famous people who are dead have said that truth is the most important thing in the world? There's nothing such as right or wrong. At least I believe so. I can proudly tell others that I'm a Chinese, and simply for this I would trust the government's ability to make a wise decision. Maybe the truth will be revealed, only not now. Maybe it never will be. I think when the westerners are criticizing our government, they never really think of the consequences. What if there'll be any riots? Any increase in the number of anti-government idiots? What if the order of the society is threatened? Maybe they just want these to happen. They use "moral pressure" to achieve their evil objectivs, so that they'll have more to write, more circulation of the paper and more money to earn. I guess there are just few decent people in the world.
3 Jul 2009
Gladiator--This is Russell Crowe
I knew Russell Crowe first from " A Beautiful Mind". I watched it three times to fully appreciate how fatally attractive he is. I know he is handsome at first sight, although it did take me a long time before I accepted that "Jennifer Connelly is a beauty."
Then I watched " Cinderella Man". Russell does not simply act. He is virtually talking with his eyes. There's something characteristic about the way he speaks, although I don't think I can really describe it. His pronuciation sounds casual, but always brings the character out of him. When I watch him in a movie, I never feel it's Russell Crowe playing. I'd say "this character is so like Russell Crowe". He owns every character he plays. They are different, yet similar in some fundemental ways.
He starred in "Proof of Life" with Meg Ryan. I love the movie, especially the last scene, when he told Meg softly," You've got a plane to catch". His eyes was enough to reveal his inner and restrained passion for Meg, not to mention how uniquely his voice emphasized the emotion. But in real life they didn't get together. Although Meg Ryan abandoned her family for Russell, things didn't really work out.
The Gladiator got him his Oscar Best Actor Award. Maximus, once a general in Rome and appointed by Caesar Marcus Aurelius as his successor, was persecuted by Caesar Commodus Aurelius--son of Marcus Aurelius, his wife and son burned and nailed. Later he became a slave and then a gladiator, who made his way to Colosseum and killed the new emperor there.
An epic of a hero, a real commander, whose charisma, even after having become a slave, never faded. It was an impressive scene when he commanded the other gladiators and defeated the people in gold armours ( I didn't really get what they were). He acted as if he was back on battleground again. It made no difference whether he was a slave or a general, as he always was a hero. Strength and honor were what he represented. Wisdom, justice, fortitude, temperance, he owned them all. It was never easy to be a hero, however. A hero's life was full of blood and struggle, when all Maximus ever wanted was just family and love.
In the end, when he finally closed his eyes, he returned to his beloved family, in the afterlife.
The supporting characters are also great. On that night when Maximus attempted to escape, Proximo, who hated Caesar Marcus Aurelius for keeping him away from the Colosseum, decided to sacrifice himself to help Maximus. He had always thought himself as shadow and dust. But the determination he had shown proved himself a hero,too. All other gladiators fought hard against the army which was coming for Maximus. Cicero, the faithful follower, and Maximus's army, were all so loyal to Maximus that they could overthrow their new commmander at any time just at Maximus's order. What are these people then? Heroes, with strengh and honor! They proved to the audience that Rome was, afterall, not a empire of mobs (although it did strike me when all the audience cheered as people were being killed. They saw killing as a form of entertainment.) They were the very reason why Rome grew so strong (I hope i've made less historical errors than grammatical errors)
I don't love him less because he got fat. I love him because he is Russell Crowe.
Then I watched " Cinderella Man". Russell does not simply act. He is virtually talking with his eyes. There's something characteristic about the way he speaks, although I don't think I can really describe it. His pronuciation sounds casual, but always brings the character out of him. When I watch him in a movie, I never feel it's Russell Crowe playing. I'd say "this character is so like Russell Crowe". He owns every character he plays. They are different, yet similar in some fundemental ways.
He starred in "Proof of Life" with Meg Ryan. I love the movie, especially the last scene, when he told Meg softly," You've got a plane to catch". His eyes was enough to reveal his inner and restrained passion for Meg, not to mention how uniquely his voice emphasized the emotion. But in real life they didn't get together. Although Meg Ryan abandoned her family for Russell, things didn't really work out.
The Gladiator got him his Oscar Best Actor Award. Maximus, once a general in Rome and appointed by Caesar Marcus Aurelius as his successor, was persecuted by Caesar Commodus Aurelius--son of Marcus Aurelius, his wife and son burned and nailed. Later he became a slave and then a gladiator, who made his way to Colosseum and killed the new emperor there.
An epic of a hero, a real commander, whose charisma, even after having become a slave, never faded. It was an impressive scene when he commanded the other gladiators and defeated the people in gold armours ( I didn't really get what they were). He acted as if he was back on battleground again. It made no difference whether he was a slave or a general, as he always was a hero. Strength and honor were what he represented. Wisdom, justice, fortitude, temperance, he owned them all. It was never easy to be a hero, however. A hero's life was full of blood and struggle, when all Maximus ever wanted was just family and love.
In the end, when he finally closed his eyes, he returned to his beloved family, in the afterlife.
The supporting characters are also great. On that night when Maximus attempted to escape, Proximo, who hated Caesar Marcus Aurelius for keeping him away from the Colosseum, decided to sacrifice himself to help Maximus. He had always thought himself as shadow and dust. But the determination he had shown proved himself a hero,too. All other gladiators fought hard against the army which was coming for Maximus. Cicero, the faithful follower, and Maximus's army, were all so loyal to Maximus that they could overthrow their new commmander at any time just at Maximus's order. What are these people then? Heroes, with strengh and honor! They proved to the audience that Rome was, afterall, not a empire of mobs (although it did strike me when all the audience cheered as people were being killed. They saw killing as a form of entertainment.) They were the very reason why Rome grew so strong (I hope i've made less historical errors than grammatical errors)
I don't love him less because he got fat. I love him because he is Russell Crowe.
9 Jun 2009
7 Jun 2009
还有很多人物。刘格诗,有点小结巴,但很真诚很热心。肖茹,特立独行的美女。肖林,回答篮球的学生会主席,貌似对林晓梅有意思。王小明,家庭状况复杂,喜欢贾里,每天对他笑三笑。胡彩蝶,和大才子“陈应达“是幼儿园同学,并且声称和他订了娃娃亲。查老师,才华横溢行人物,学识渊博。长的文质彬彬,绝对不是“ 阮经天“那张偶像剧脸,很了解学生。。。
还有很多人物。刘格诗,有点小结巴,但很真诚很热心。肖茹,特立独行的美女。肖林,回答篮球的学生会主席,貌似对林晓梅有意思。王小明,家庭状况复杂,喜欢贾里,每天对他笑三笑。胡彩蝶,和大才子“陈应达“是幼儿园同学,并且声称和他订了娃娃亲。查老师,才华横溢行人物,学识渊博。长的文质彬彬,绝对不是“ 阮经天“那张偶像剧脸,很了解学生。。。
3 Jun 2009
To all the people I love. To Seraph.
赌气的时候我说不再理你/回家对着镜子练习不在乎你/三天后故意找个话题接近你/彼此心里都暗自欢喜 /
Chorus: 说好以后要做彼此的伴娘/还要做随时可以串门的邻居/大人说这些梦想太过幼稚/但现在我充满了为之拼搏的决心/别人因为我的缺点疏远我/你却会更加努力的帮助我/在他们面前我要高高的抬起头/在你面前我才可以肆意做自己/
赌气的时候我说不再理你/回家对着镜子练习不在乎你/三天后故意找个话题接近你/彼此心里都暗自欢喜 /
Chorus: 说好以后要做彼此的伴娘/还要做随时可以串门的邻居/大人说这些梦想太过幼稚/但现在我充满了为之拼搏的决心/别人因为我的缺点疏远我/你却会更加努力的帮助我/在他们面前我要高高的抬起头/在你面前我才可以肆意做自己/
2 Jun 2009
Ewan McGregor in "Angels and Demons"
基本上那个女的就是花瓶。没什么用。没什么可以发挥的戏份,当然也看不出此人演技究竟如何。而Tom Hanks,第二次做教授,没什么新意了,当然影帝还是影帝,除了身材够呛以外,整部电影挑不出毛病啊。在图书馆里砸玻璃那场戏挺惊险的。我总是感觉他下一秒就要晕倒了,不过“主角不死定论“告诉我希望就在不远处。结果,玻璃碎了。
最让人惊艳的莫过于Ewan McGregor的the Camerlengo。我在某张海报上看到他的时候就被他的牧师服电到了。真是人长得有型穿什么帅啊。他刚一出场我又被他完美的音色给吸引了。真的是太太太好听了。想当年我刚看完红磨坊的时候,不敢相信那些歌就是他唱的。为什么除了Nick Carter外还有一个人长得如此潇洒音色如此迷人?有那么半年,我每天都会听"Come what may" 和"Your song"。他的声音已经印在我脑海里了。
跑题了。Anyway,这个魅力男声整场戏90%的时间里都看着非常innocent。虽然我一次看见他就凭着我多年看电影的直觉判断出此人会是头号或二号反派人物,但当他正义凛然而有条不紊地告诉密室里的红衣主教们为什么要evacuate时,我觉得他身上充满了一个Pope该有的领袖气质和 insight。于是我的第一个猜测(这个人是Illuminati的卧底)不成立。
然后这个Camerlengo不断帮助Robert Langdon,并且一有机会就给一场关于为什么science 和religion都重要的speech,并且不断承认Catholic Church曾经对Illuminati的屠杀行为是错的。而且他长得太正义了,声音太好听了,眼神太无辜了。每次他被那个老主教以权势欺压时,我是气不打一处来啊。你说这么爱国家爱社会爱宗教的好少年(而且还这么帅)你去哪里找得到啊?还怪人家越权。人家可是句句在理啊。我唯一的感觉就是,Ewan McGregor在这部戏里对自己religion的热爱,丝毫不亚于他在moulin rouge对satine的热爱。虽然religion和人是不能比的,但是他的狂热,他的崇敬以及他不顾一切的追求,都是看得到的。
整部戏的高潮,产生于当the Camerlengo知道antimatter的电池不够时间被拆除而直接捧着它进入直升飞机里。(我在片头就很惊讶,Dan Brown这个人也太博学了,又懂religion又懂symbols连LHC,antimatter都略知一二)本来在前面那段,我就已经看出来他是故意受伤的。一切都太巧合了。Langdon刚刚闯进去,就看见了那么明显的一幕?而且the Camerlengo还没死?那个Swiss Guard的头头开始还完全一副还不在状态的表情,幸好他头脑转的快,那把钥匙说明这故事还有下文。
但是当the Camerlengo进直升飞机的时候我还是泪如泉涌啊。真的太正义了。黑色的牧师服,随时愿意牺牲的坚毅的表情(我觉得这个表情是真的,他也不知道自己活不活得下去),那个一切为了自己的信仰的英雄,就这么出现了又要这么走了。我当时真的希望他别跳下来就这么牺牲好了。要不等大家都知道真相时他会更惨。
最后悲惨的事情还是发生了。一切水落石出了。他在幕后策划了一切,是为了捍卫自己的信仰,但却用了不正当的手段。我想当他走进密室时心情是激动的,应该已经预测到了点什么。影片的这个插曲也许想表现一下他的ambition吧,但是交代得很模糊。当他走进密室面对众人时,他又很聪明,马上就意识到了the situation is out of control already。这段拍得很好。他没有像traditional Chinese drama里那样临死前还要做困兽之斗,或为自己辩解,或掏出一把手枪扫射。他腿受伤了,转身依然潇洒。他的紧张表现在愈行愉快的步伐中。我觉得他是在路上想到了最好的结局,自焚。最后他是个亡命之徒,不过不是歇斯底里型的。
其实影片很多地方交代得不很清楚。如果 the Camerlengo这么执迷于自己的信仰,为什么会牺牲与他同信仰的主教?如果这件事是他一手策划,他和那个绑架者的关系是什么?为什么那个绑架者说“ 他们没叫我杀你们“,而不是“他“?绑架者的身份是什么?而且,如果他这么疯狂,那么比起他极端的作案手法,他投降的太快了,快得让人觉得他知道自己是错的,which is not shown anywhere。
但是就Ewan McGregor而言,这是又一部佳作。他的表现丝毫不亚于Tom Hanks。他把这个人的伟大的那部分思想演出来了,并且赚了眼泪。而他在摄像头里露出本性的那段表演来得很自然。动作,语言,表情的衔接无可挑剔,太 convincing了。而剧本的问题,就忽视吧。
基本上那个女的就是花瓶。没什么用。没什么可以发挥的戏份,当然也看不出此人演技究竟如何。而Tom Hanks,第二次做教授,没什么新意了,当然影帝还是影帝,除了身材够呛以外,整部电影挑不出毛病啊。在图书馆里砸玻璃那场戏挺惊险的。我总是感觉他下一秒就要晕倒了,不过“主角不死定论“告诉我希望就在不远处。结果,玻璃碎了。
最让人惊艳的莫过于Ewan McGregor的the Camerlengo。我在某张海报上看到他的时候就被他的牧师服电到了。真是人长得有型穿什么帅啊。他刚一出场我又被他完美的音色给吸引了。真的是太太太好听了。想当年我刚看完红磨坊的时候,不敢相信那些歌就是他唱的。为什么除了Nick Carter外还有一个人长得如此潇洒音色如此迷人?有那么半年,我每天都会听"Come what may" 和"Your song"。他的声音已经印在我脑海里了。
跑题了。Anyway,这个魅力男声整场戏90%的时间里都看着非常innocent。虽然我一次看见他就凭着我多年看电影的直觉判断出此人会是头号或二号反派人物,但当他正义凛然而有条不紊地告诉密室里的红衣主教们为什么要evacuate时,我觉得他身上充满了一个Pope该有的领袖气质和 insight。于是我的第一个猜测(这个人是Illuminati的卧底)不成立。
然后这个Camerlengo不断帮助Robert Langdon,并且一有机会就给一场关于为什么science 和religion都重要的speech,并且不断承认Catholic Church曾经对Illuminati的屠杀行为是错的。而且他长得太正义了,声音太好听了,眼神太无辜了。每次他被那个老主教以权势欺压时,我是气不打一处来啊。你说这么爱国家爱社会爱宗教的好少年(而且还这么帅)你去哪里找得到啊?还怪人家越权。人家可是句句在理啊。我唯一的感觉就是,Ewan McGregor在这部戏里对自己religion的热爱,丝毫不亚于他在moulin rouge对satine的热爱。虽然religion和人是不能比的,但是他的狂热,他的崇敬以及他不顾一切的追求,都是看得到的。
整部戏的高潮,产生于当the Camerlengo知道antimatter的电池不够时间被拆除而直接捧着它进入直升飞机里。(我在片头就很惊讶,Dan Brown这个人也太博学了,又懂religion又懂symbols连LHC,antimatter都略知一二)本来在前面那段,我就已经看出来他是故意受伤的。一切都太巧合了。Langdon刚刚闯进去,就看见了那么明显的一幕?而且the Camerlengo还没死?那个Swiss Guard的头头开始还完全一副还不在状态的表情,幸好他头脑转的快,那把钥匙说明这故事还有下文。
但是当the Camerlengo进直升飞机的时候我还是泪如泉涌啊。真的太正义了。黑色的牧师服,随时愿意牺牲的坚毅的表情(我觉得这个表情是真的,他也不知道自己活不活得下去),那个一切为了自己的信仰的英雄,就这么出现了又要这么走了。我当时真的希望他别跳下来就这么牺牲好了。要不等大家都知道真相时他会更惨。
最后悲惨的事情还是发生了。一切水落石出了。他在幕后策划了一切,是为了捍卫自己的信仰,但却用了不正当的手段。我想当他走进密室时心情是激动的,应该已经预测到了点什么。影片的这个插曲也许想表现一下他的ambition吧,但是交代得很模糊。当他走进密室面对众人时,他又很聪明,马上就意识到了the situation is out of control already。这段拍得很好。他没有像traditional Chinese drama里那样临死前还要做困兽之斗,或为自己辩解,或掏出一把手枪扫射。他腿受伤了,转身依然潇洒。他的紧张表现在愈行愉快的步伐中。我觉得他是在路上想到了最好的结局,自焚。最后他是个亡命之徒,不过不是歇斯底里型的。
其实影片很多地方交代得不很清楚。如果 the Camerlengo这么执迷于自己的信仰,为什么会牺牲与他同信仰的主教?如果这件事是他一手策划,他和那个绑架者的关系是什么?为什么那个绑架者说“ 他们没叫我杀你们“,而不是“他“?绑架者的身份是什么?而且,如果他这么疯狂,那么比起他极端的作案手法,他投降的太快了,快得让人觉得他知道自己是错的,which is not shown anywhere。
但是就Ewan McGregor而言,这是又一部佳作。他的表现丝毫不亚于Tom Hanks。他把这个人的伟大的那部分思想演出来了,并且赚了眼泪。而他在摄像头里露出本性的那段表演来得很自然。动作,语言,表情的衔接无可挑剔,太 convincing了。而剧本的问题,就忽视吧。
1 Jun 2009
What's the matter with me?
Once, zry. Then, zhw. Though in both cases there were just crushes. I still have feelings for zry, although exactly what kind of feeling?I don't know. I just know that I would check his space regularly. I like every word he said. I can almost visualize his facial expression when he speaks. Still, I think I care for him. Maybe not in that sense, but care, still.
I guess I can never feel bad about him. He's attractive, although I'm the only one who thinks so. Well, my taste is always strange.
Suddenly I don't want to lose him. I still want him as my friend. I know I have to let go a lot of things. I know I should not act as if I'm crazy about him. But I just have to. If I lose contact with him, I may lose him forever. But I don't want to.
I can let go easily people like, zhw, who I would probably never know about. So I guess the reason I can't forget zry is that I really have liked him,and I never stop feeling good about him.
Okay, I've sent out invitation to him. I'm not sure he'll still add me. But if he does, I'll tell him I want him as a friend. I really do.
I guess I can never feel bad about him. He's attractive, although I'm the only one who thinks so. Well, my taste is always strange.
Suddenly I don't want to lose him. I still want him as my friend. I know I have to let go a lot of things. I know I should not act as if I'm crazy about him. But I just have to. If I lose contact with him, I may lose him forever. But I don't want to.
I can let go easily people like, zhw, who I would probably never know about. So I guess the reason I can't forget zry is that I really have liked him,and I never stop feeling good about him.
Okay, I've sent out invitation to him. I'm not sure he'll still add me. But if he does, I'll tell him I want him as a friend. I really do.
5 Feb 2009
Some thoughts after the CCA exhibition
1st of all, I'm again depressed.
I now know that I'm only getting 12 hrs for two years serving in library. It sounds trivial,really. But it matters to me. I joined library last year because I heard that I can get 20 cip hrs per year. At the end of last year I was told it was 12 hrs per year. And now, omg, 12 hrs for two years. What can I say? I made this unwise choice myself, so I would have to abide all the consequences. I have to.
Again I'm creating a problem for myself. That's the situation and I can't change it. So really, why worry?
The 2nd thing that makes me frustrated is the comparison which I can't help making of me with others. I'm so weak. I'm nothing here. This really is not the place I'm meant to be. God loves jokes. Every body, except me, is a leader. Leadership, without which my US dream will forever remain a dream.
My CCAs do not need me. I know I can never go around and ask ppl to join my CCA. Or, at present, I can't. I have no confidence, nor support.
But indeed I'm lucky to have a friend who is willing to start an SL project with me, even though I'm not sure of doing it or not. Let me check things out over this weekend and make up my mind. I can't just hang around like this. I must do something.
I now know that I'm only getting 12 hrs for two years serving in library. It sounds trivial,really. But it matters to me. I joined library last year because I heard that I can get 20 cip hrs per year. At the end of last year I was told it was 12 hrs per year. And now, omg, 12 hrs for two years. What can I say? I made this unwise choice myself, so I would have to abide all the consequences. I have to.
Again I'm creating a problem for myself. That's the situation and I can't change it. So really, why worry?
The 2nd thing that makes me frustrated is the comparison which I can't help making of me with others. I'm so weak. I'm nothing here. This really is not the place I'm meant to be. God loves jokes. Every body, except me, is a leader. Leadership, without which my US dream will forever remain a dream.
My CCAs do not need me. I know I can never go around and ask ppl to join my CCA. Or, at present, I can't. I have no confidence, nor support.
But indeed I'm lucky to have a friend who is willing to start an SL project with me, even though I'm not sure of doing it or not. Let me check things out over this weekend and make up my mind. I can't just hang around like this. I must do something.
3 Feb 2009
A depressing day
My ear hurts! My ear hurts!
After one whole year since I got my ear pierced, I finally tasted my own bitter fruit. My ears have not recovered yet, and god knows whether the possibility of me having healthy ears still exists. I wonder. Okay, cheer up cheer up. I must believe in myself.
Another day of depression. I got back my physics consolidation test papers. It was a disaster, in every aspect. The super low mark, the most blank paper, the little thinking I have done, and the non-existent effort I was supposed to have put in.
This reminds me of a poem I saw in the Boarding School washroom(strange, isn't it). Worry never solves a problem, it may even become a problem. So why worry?
Why worry? I ask myself. I'm still concerned about Mr. Tan's reaction, to a large extent, even after the more disastrous mark I got for J1 Block Test. I guess I'm just someone who tries, albeit often in vain, to give every one the best possible impression. I am just like this. I want to get every one to like me, which, in any case, is not possible for someone like me. I 'm not hardworking, not clever, not as kind-hearted as a girl should be. I like to shout. I'm vulgar. And then? I could make a long list of all my weaknesses. Still, my parents are always there to love me and support me.
I don't know why I'm so easily agitated and pressurized. Any little thing could bring me depress. I want my life to be smooth with no trouble, which, I guess, is never possible.
And, sadly, I've lost my point again.
H3 math is driving me bad. The lectures are difficult enough to confuse me and deprive me of my confidence to look at any of the tutorial questions. I keep having this feeling that I may not do well in my H3 exams, which is the most undesirable situation now. And I still have my SL project to concern about. Should I do one just for the sake of a slightly better profolio? Or should I just concentrate on my study? I know if I kill this idea, I should probably say goodbye to my US dream now. But even if I try, wouldn't I be more disappointed if I fail? Why no confidence?
Shit. So much for today. I still have to catch up with my tutorial.
After one whole year since I got my ear pierced, I finally tasted my own bitter fruit. My ears have not recovered yet, and god knows whether the possibility of me having healthy ears still exists. I wonder. Okay, cheer up cheer up. I must believe in myself.
Another day of depression. I got back my physics consolidation test papers. It was a disaster, in every aspect. The super low mark, the most blank paper, the little thinking I have done, and the non-existent effort I was supposed to have put in.
This reminds me of a poem I saw in the Boarding School washroom(strange, isn't it). Worry never solves a problem, it may even become a problem. So why worry?
Why worry? I ask myself. I'm still concerned about Mr. Tan's reaction, to a large extent, even after the more disastrous mark I got for J1 Block Test. I guess I'm just someone who tries, albeit often in vain, to give every one the best possible impression. I am just like this. I want to get every one to like me, which, in any case, is not possible for someone like me. I 'm not hardworking, not clever, not as kind-hearted as a girl should be. I like to shout. I'm vulgar. And then? I could make a long list of all my weaknesses. Still, my parents are always there to love me and support me.
I don't know why I'm so easily agitated and pressurized. Any little thing could bring me depress. I want my life to be smooth with no trouble, which, I guess, is never possible.
And, sadly, I've lost my point again.
H3 math is driving me bad. The lectures are difficult enough to confuse me and deprive me of my confidence to look at any of the tutorial questions. I keep having this feeling that I may not do well in my H3 exams, which is the most undesirable situation now. And I still have my SL project to concern about. Should I do one just for the sake of a slightly better profolio? Or should I just concentrate on my study? I know if I kill this idea, I should probably say goodbye to my US dream now. But even if I try, wouldn't I be more disappointed if I fail? Why no confidence?
Shit. So much for today. I still have to catch up with my tutorial.
2 Feb 2009
1st post in 2009
It's been a long time...since my last post. Really a long time. I've been lazy for some time. Just last week I though about closing this blog forever. But then when I looked at all those posts that I had written, I told myself to get up from laziness. Well, for the sake of my GP, I better starting writing something, though usually with grammatical mistakes, in English.
I could never write anything in English in XiaoNei. It's just that there are so many English pros of my ages moving around there, and even those people seldom use English. Thus my pride forbids me to write anything English there again.
There has not really been a significant change in my life up till now. School reopened, and I started repeating my tragedy all over again. School, hostel, hostel, school. Everyday I have work to complete. No normal TV programs. No Thunder. No relatives. Palpitations and immense anxiety are engulfing me. It feels like my heart is whacked suddenly. Maybe it is to do with my pressure, or my lack of confidence, or my sense of insecurity. I don't know why. Singapore is really driving me mad.
Last year I had a crush on somebody and now the feelings are almost drained. I even gave up my friendship with Zhao. I must admit my most irrational period comes when I talk to Zhao. He sucks yet I didn't want to stop the conversation. Now I'm glad I realized how strange he seems to me. Well I really can't figure out where this emotion thing is going. Headache.
I could never write anything in English in XiaoNei. It's just that there are so many English pros of my ages moving around there, and even those people seldom use English. Thus my pride forbids me to write anything English there again.
There has not really been a significant change in my life up till now. School reopened, and I started repeating my tragedy all over again. School, hostel, hostel, school. Everyday I have work to complete. No normal TV programs. No Thunder. No relatives. Palpitations and immense anxiety are engulfing me. It feels like my heart is whacked suddenly. Maybe it is to do with my pressure, or my lack of confidence, or my sense of insecurity. I don't know why. Singapore is really driving me mad.
Last year I had a crush on somebody and now the feelings are almost drained. I even gave up my friendship with Zhao. I must admit my most irrational period comes when I talk to Zhao. He sucks yet I didn't want to stop the conversation. Now I'm glad I realized how strange he seems to me. Well I really can't figure out where this emotion thing is going. Headache.
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