20 Nov 2010

No S/U this term

I've made the decision. So no regrets.

16 Nov 2010

Or you just think that you are the sole representative of the truth?

I don't understand any of this.
I have absolutely no idea what Liu Xiaobo has actually done, or whether he really deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. This article in "The Economist" is suggesting that China is threatening all the western leaders not to attend the Oslo dinner. And because of the immense power China has over the world's economy, it is very likely that those countries that are "eager for business" will not take part in "this political game".
It seems to me that this author is criticizing a lot of people. China is, in his opinion, suppressing human rights by not releasing Liu Xiaobo. Western leaders, such as James Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy, have to bow to China for the sake of their economy. It's as if the Chinese Communist Party resembles the Nazis.
To me, this article merely shows how hypocritical the westerners are. If they really put the human rights issue as their top priority, as they always claim, then why not just boycott China? Why not cut off their relationship with China as a protest of the so-called "abuse of human rights"? Because they can't! They have to deal with their economy problems before they can have any mood to join the "let's kick the Chinese out of earth" team.
This proves that in any country human right is nothing compared with money. This is harsh, but true. Then how can one blame China for imprisoning Liu, even if this really involves any "abuse of human rights"? Releasing him would most likely cause political instability which could take China's economy all the way back to the 1960s. No one could or should risk this. In fact, what the Chinese government has chosen to do is perfectly reasonable and helpful.
Surely you can talk about human rights any time you want when you are just this little guy whose main job is to write articles to feed himself. I completely understand. If you did not act as if you are a big supporter of human rights, who will read your article or pay you? But let's face it, if you were a leader of any country, you would only be able to come out with stupid plans by all the time talking about human rights instead of the economy.

4 Nov 2010

The probable direction I should follow in NTU

...That I may never have a solution to. But I'd say I'm starting to figure out how to reduce my anxiety now. I should work as hard as I can, just to be responsible for myself, for I may never have another opportunity to learn as an undergraduate. As for how the grading system would judge me, that's something I cannot control, and therefore something I should care less for...

2 Nov 2010

Take my life away

这几天看见什么都烦。在熬了无数夜考了各种试之后,依然没有一件事让我满意。昨晚为了那个对我来说难以理解的vector in geometry 和 vector in coordinate system,我盯着书一直看到早上5点。于是被我妈骂。是的,我是没有学习技巧。昨晚最应该做的是做几道题然后洗洗睡了。我犯了两个致命错误,钻牛角尖和熬夜。能说什么的?学习技巧到底TMD是什么?如果我做的事情都是错误的,那拜托了,让我被车撞死吧,让我被高空坠物砸死吧。如果我这种思想模式真的是TMD大错特错的话,那么上帝你能不能赶快把我从这世界删除了?何必让我活得如此累?然后看着一帮活着比我轻松的人从我身边走过,轻描淡写的告诉我,谁让你思维方式错误了呢?为什么你们的就是对的我的就是错的?凭什么考试总青睐你们的思维方式,而鄙视我的想法?
我受够了。Why live in this world as such a big big mistake? 老天爷,你看着我这么劳累地活着觉得好笑吗?你看着我和这个世界格格不入没有人能理解我你很舒服么?难道你让我出生的唯一原因就是想把我当一个笑话看吗?如果是这样,take my life away, would you? I don't want to live like this! I just want a simple life, that's all!

31 Oct 2010


真的是很累。Calculus还没怎么搞懂,Programming就杯具了。不但在Midterm栽了跟头,Lab session拿到的分数也是低的难以想象。已经这么差了,还能怎么样?
But I can't give up. I've just got to face the obstacles and try to overcome them. That's so hard. My time is so limited everyday and I have tons of stuff to finish. I have troubles in catching up with most of the courses, and yet I am not practicing enough. Somehow I have to make a choice between how much sleep and how much study to sacrifice.

Life is all about struggles. I can't seem to make it out.

16 Oct 2010


如果每周一次还是太多的话,那么希望我想你可能以后周四都不会上线了。哈哈,如果真这样,放心吧。I can take the hint.
我想说,我这么做,是因为我真的觉得你是很好很好的人,我对你有好感,所以我想了解你的想法,想离你近一些。但是我不会再有任何要求了。还是那句话,我都没有勇气负任何责任,怎么能苛求你?我不会再把自己弄得可怜兮兮然后把错误推在你身上,然后不断的纠结是否要把你从我的Contact List上移除了。
其实我写这么多,根本就不关你的事。就算我把错误算在你头上又如何?就算我删除了你又如何?你可能会冷笑三声然后对我说"I don't even care"。我很清楚,因为整篇文章都不关你的事,是我在劝我自己怎样用一种less self-centered view来梳理我自己的感情。你应该对此文一笑置之。可是,如果你万一介意我曾经这么自私的想过你的话,那么请接受我的道歉:真的对不起,整件事都是我的错。你是一个好人,是我在这所学校的第一个曾经愿意了解我的好人。

Just as what Rachel Greene would say,

I am over you, and that, my friend, is what they call closure.
And that means, my friend, I am so totally okay with being a normal acquaintance of yours.

Day 1

下线之后果断删掉touch里的MSN messenger!

14 Oct 2010



9 Oct 2010


8 Oct 2010









7 Oct 2010


5 Oct 2010


He's just a good guy. That's all.
I promise you things will get better along the way, as nothing would get worse than now.
Am I that irritating?
:( Sigh...

29 Sept 2010

Still I hope someone cares, just like the logistic manager who wanted to kill himself in Friends

然而大伙都在 笑话正是精彩





28 Sept 2010



24 Sept 2010


Sometimes I think I am amazing at ignoring the surrounding. Apparently I succeeded again tonight. I feel quite sad, in fact, that while I am sitting here wasting time alone, my favorite senior is most enjoying himself. Well, I really shouldn't wonder, because this is what I am good at. Being in a party and let everyone feel as if I wasn't there at all.

But I am not complaining. I have for a very long time learnt to enjoy moments like this. You know, it is good to spend some time to organize my thoughts. Plural? I asked myself with amusement. This is the question that Chandler asked Joey in one episode of Friends. Do I have thoughts? I wonder. But I certainly know how to entertain myself at the right time. I learn to feel peaceful. This is a big improvement for me, really.

Still I hope someone would care. Not that I am so desperate for a man, I think I just need someone to make me feel good about myself at all time. It could be just a friend, as long as he or she makes me feel good. But it is a little hard right? Because even my parent would not be able to stay with me at all time to boost my confidence. I am asking for too much, I know. It is silly to ask someone to give you confidence. It is really my problem. I have to find that strength within me and boost it myself. I really should.

I remember somebody once told me that if I don't change at all, I will never be able to find a boyfriend. Well let's just say that I finally decide to give up. I don't want to get all needy and clingy. Or to be more exact, I need to force myself to stop being so needy and insecure.

There's something within me that this world cannot touch. It is the strength I have yet to discover. Sometimes when I am alone and I starting thinking how hard it is to live in this world, I would want to back out. But I know that strength is supporting me. I know I could go much further than I have been.

23 Sept 2010


最近活得很游离。人多的时候总感觉自己像空气。比如今天CCA开什么general meeting,我还屁颠儿屁颠儿跑过去了,结果基本上被所有人无视,一个人在房间里穿来穿去找不到自己的位置,在尴尬的笑了一个多小时后终于一个人狼狈的离开了。我看着蓝墨水一样的天空,突然就特别想哭,于是打电话给小尚子,于是就狠狠发泄了一番。当时我只想唱”浮夸“。
yy过来需要租房子,我一个女生去看房子觉得有点危险,但是再怎么找也找不到第二个人了。你说什么叫友谊呢?在一起4年的校友算不算友谊呢?可是拒绝就是拒绝,都不需要second thoughts.

9 Sept 2010


Someone described me as "unapproachable". This seems like the word that could describe me the best, but still I don't feel comfortable.

People keep telling me that I have to be flexible and make lots of friends now, otherwise I would not succeed when I go into the society. How do you do it? How do you make lots of "friends"? It is not that I have a harsh criteria for friends, just that I don't feel comfortable initiating a talk with a total stranger, when there is not even a project or a theme to start with.

All my fellow students are powerful talkers, and being near them makes me feel weird. A kind of feeling of inferiority, I think. Isn't it weird, that I feel inferior even if I seem to be convinced that being myself is undoubtedly the right way for me. I guess it is because I am not that convinced after all. I'm so full of contradictions.

Okay, stop this sad tone please. Just picture myself surrounded by my family and my real friends. They are the only people who make me feel calm and peaceful, as if I am living in a world without fake laughs, awkward conversations and stressful competitions. I hate the environment here. However, I believe there must always be a away out, I really do. Those who love me are always with me. I can feel the love. I'll be strong. I'll do everything I can to survive in this god-damned environment.

5 Sept 2010

New Term Resolution



Recently I always have this feeling that my life is incomplete.

Is it, really?

I miss the fun I have had with my friends. YY and Seraph are in China now. It seems the only friend I have here is LX, to whom I can't tell certain things.

Maybe a lot of people are experiencing this transition now. But to them this may be only a short-term thing. Soon they'll make new friends and have new fun. But could I, ever?

I know I am jealous of those who did manage to get into accountancy. I missed my chance, and I was never able to change the outcome of that god-damned interview. I had performed poorly and let myself down. But these were not the worst. What hurts me the most is the fear I have over math. Could I ever do well in it?

Could I ever make another friend in this campus? Will I be allowed to stay in hostel for the next 3 years?

I am full of doubts.

8 Jul 2010



16 Apr 2010



14 Apr 2010

Not a happy time

I have no job, neither do I have any offer. Everyday I just stay home, eat and sleep. I called mum just now and cried. I did not know why. All my problems are created by myself.

I have no idea what my future will be like. I know I will work harder, though. After being rejected by lots of companies, I see where I stand. I have neither fabulous experience nor stellar grade. I see people around me getting great offers but I myself am stuck here and I still have to go to that NTU interview and write a piece of essay about my ambition, while my real dream is to become a counselling psychologist.

Fear of the unknown, again. It's purely ridiculous. I have the will to work hard so why fear? But I can't control my feelings.

Midnight again. Continue tomorrow.

23 Mar 2010



5 Mar 2010



和你在一起是那么快乐。三个月的假期里,让我最怀念的日子,就是和你看电影的那天。我们看着Barbara Novak美丽的公寓,我告诉你我们以后也要住这样的房子。多美的梦想。多希望有一天,我可以决定自己的步伐,可以真的和你在一起。到时候,你会不会有别的更好的朋友?会不会有了男朋友就不要我了?





31 Jan 2010

Overwhelming fear

It is irritating that I have to use this foreign proxy to log in to my log. I've been home for almost 2 months, and I have successfully done nothing. Well everyday I just eat, watch TV, eat again, watch TV again, and sleep. Life is kind of boring, and there is little thing that I can look forward to.

However, at some level, I am afraid of the near future. I have to face my results in March, and I really have no confidence. They say the unknown makes people afraid. That is damned true. Imagine a month later I have to go back to Hwa Chong to collect my results...I may even tremble when I get hold of the result slip. It is damned frightening.

But I've got to face it by myself. Yes. Whatever the result is, I have to accept it and move on with life. I don't know whether that is easy, but that is possible, and definite.

At this age, well, I think about a lot of things. Career, job, major, love, boyfriend...all mixed together. Whenever I see those unhappy marriages on TV, I wonder if that might happen to me. Whenever I pass by some poor people who have to beg for money on streets, my heart twitches, partly because I feel sorry for them, and partly because I am really uncertain of my future. Will I really earn enough money? Can I get a job? Will any firm hire someone like me? Am I going to be successful? The truth is, I don't even know what major I shall choose in university. I mean, at this age I just have to face a great deal of uncertainties which I hate. Yes. Uncertainty makes me nervous and afraid of the coming days. It really does.

I gotta face everything alone. I know my friends and family will be supporting me but I have to learn to face things alone, however I hate to do that. I think maybe I really need to grow up. People learn from pain and tears.

I am really a coward, aren't I? God please give me some strength. The result, the future. I must learn to fix things by myself. The worst possible outcome is that I kill myself. Then I don't have to deal with any of these at all. I don't know. I really do not know myself well. Am I mature enough to face my life bravely, or will I just take the shortcut to the end of my life?

No. I think I would rather endure the pain of life. At least I know some people will always be there for me. I really do need their support. Oh god life is hard! Why is it planned this way? Why couldn't it be easier on me?

I can't wait for the result to come.