30 Mar 2008

What do Westerners want by intentionally distorting the image of Chinese Government?

Things are not going well for the 2008 Beijing Olympic. Stupid Tibetans are just trying to ruin China's chance to hold the game successfully. They did whatever they could, resorting to all kinds of shameless and dirty means.

Ironically, many of the western journalists are as much shameless. They keep producing reports claiming that China has used the wrong method to resolve the crisis, and that China should not merely suppress the rioters by force.

Then how? The stupid Dalai Lama is the root of the problem. The fucking Tibetans lost their mind. They right now are only focusing on how to force the Chinese government compromise by threatening to make all the efforts the Chinese have done for the Olympic vanish into nothing like soap bubbles?

Every Chinese who really love his country should condemn those villains who are endeavoring to put China into a negative light.

Those fucking stupid Western journalists who just want to turn the Beijing Olympic into a joke, and those mindless Tibetans. They should all be slaughtered.

Our troops have done so much trying to pacify Tibet. Yet in those western reports they are kind of described as people starting the riots. It's unfair. What do they want by making all these untrue reports? Where's their basic morality as journalists? They describe Chinese governments' letting them see videos of soldiers hurt badly and killed as a form of intense propaganda. That's bullshit. What do they think should be done? Maybe they'll only be satisfied if Chinese government just declares all the sacrifice made by those patriotic soldiers as reckless behavior. But that's impossible, because we Chinese are much more righteous than them. We are willing to defend our country by all means.

I pity those who people with evil intention. Their effort is in vain.

28 Mar 2008

I have a dream

I have to admit that, dreams rarely come true, at least for me.
All through the time I know life is a journey. I know I can control it, I can either make it shine or make it a failure.
But most of the time I can't find a lighthouse. I can't find the right direction. Two ways ahead of me and I have to make a decision. It's comfortable to stay at rest but that's really a waste of time. Sooner or later I'll have to make a decision. So many people have chosen their way in front of me so how can I just remain stationary? My curiosity will push the journey forward. My common sense of following others also promotes the journey.
So that's something I'll have to do. Make decision, go forward.
There's equal chance of rightness and wrongness of my choice. Once chosen, I'll have to go along. There's nothing such as changing path halfway. Once I find it wrong, I'll have to go back to the last checkpoint and restart my journey.
The thing is, I somehow hate to admit that I'm wrong. I'm unwilling to go back. Rather I would just follow the wrong way and endure whatever torture there may be.
So I'm just making myself weaker and less and less confident, making the journey harsher.
And then I complain to everyone I can reach. I tell them how poor I am. I cry and shout to heart content to just ask for a solution. Which is my next direction.
No one can help me, even if they want. To put it straightforward, I have to endure the outcome.

Too many things now. Too much, too messy, too hard to choose.
Sometimes I know I'm naive. I value my face more than anything else yet I keep doing stupid things.
But then these things are too minor to be cared about.

I want to leave Singapore. I want to go to US. But to me this could only be a dream. How far can I go? I don't know. There are too many perfect students here. Sometimes I tell myself not to even dream about competing with them. Then my conscience starts to condemn me. Have you even tried? Isn't there a saying that nothing is impossible if you try your best? So if I try my best to study, can I really go to US?

I wonder, when I can't even put all my concentration to academics. Success?Going to US? They don't make sense. Never.

So I'm disappointed. My conscience accuses me of slacking, while my body enjoys the break. Gosh, I hate this. Contradiction.

See I've written so much...

At this moment, let me make a promise. I'll try my best to study. I'll use as much as my time. As for all those competitions, I just try.

Listen to me. Never show to others you're the weaker. You think they'll pity you? You dream to get some support from them? That's impossible! It's your life. Others will only laugh at you. They'll despise you from the bottom of their hearts. Is this what you want? Not being able to stand straight?

Just tell yourself, life goes on. Really. Try your best but don't take the results into heart too much. Learn, and grow.

Still, after saying all these encouragement, I don't really think I can do much. Still, to me, to say is much easier than to do. But then, to do something you never need to say it out. Let me declare that all the things above are rubbish, and that I can't follow just because I want to follow. So reality is still unchanged.

But I feel much better, after writing all these meaningless rubbish. By the way, I like writing in this way.

Go on. For tomorrow I can stay with my parents and my friends. In case you don't know, Meng, you have been such an important reason for me to carry on. I don't know how long can friendship lasts, especially after so many years of departing. Even if it's another dream, I would carry on for it.

I would try, for the sake of realizing my dream, or simply to keep me proud of myself, to keep my head up.

Random thoughts

在每个我感到寂寞的时刻 很多人生感慨便随之滋生 怎么说呢 什么是对和错 怎样在这个世界生存下去 这都是我的问题 也许我根本不可能找出答案 Sometimes I think I must be talented in some way but immediately I'll deny this because I don't find anything special in me.But somehow inside my mind I still wish to be someone special. I keep doing this. Bon Jovi told me that everyone is special in their own way. But I don't seem to find any.

26 Mar 2008

No country for old men

Posted by Dave Hopkirk


The title is from the first line of Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats, a poet classically trained and considered by many to be the greatest 20th Century poet.

Death is Anton Chigurh. His hair style (hood-ish, shroud-ish) and black clothing suggest Death. Death kills the innocent as well as the guilty and has his own set of rules. When the witness to the high-rise killing asks, “Are you going to kill me?” Death answers, “It depends. Do you see me?” When the kids on the bicycles help him after the car accident he tells them, “You didn't see me.” If you see Death, you die; if not, you may live. Chigurh seems to come and go at will and seems to know where Moss is without trying very hard. His rules are his rules and they seem arbitrary and random. He is referred to by the sheriff as a “ghost” and he seems to be able to go wherever he pleases.

Death kills with a cattle stun gun, almost like a member of the clergy administering a cross to the forehead of a parishoner. Death is often portrayed as a hooded figure with a scythe; in this case he's a “hooded” figure with a cattle stun gun.

Man is Llewellen Moss, part sinner, part saint. He is offered a deal with Death when Death offers to ignore his wife but take him. Instead, Llewellen challenges Death and chooses declines the offer. This is straight Faustian bargaining. By declining Death's “This is the best deal you're gonna get” Moss signs not only his own death warrant but his wife's, too.

Llewellen challenges Death to a showdown and when his wife tells the sheriff, “He won't quit, neither. Never has.” the audience expects a later showdown because we've been trained to see the protagonist take on the antagonist at the climax of a story — but before that can happen life's randomness gets in the way and the Mexicans kill him. This is the major turn in the movie and the one that takes the sail out of the audience, which has been cheering for Man in his struggle against Death without realizing it.

Free Will is Carla Jean. She chooses at the end of the film not to allow Death to be random. She has a 50% chance of saving herself but chooses not to avail herself of the opportunity. She is the bravest of the lot, choosing to die by her own decision and not the randomness of Death.

The sheriff is the philosopher trying to understand the universe. He cannot and is defeated by Death in his attempt. At the movie's end the Sheriff bemoans the fact that God never entered his life. One of God's creatures, Death, was in the Sheriff's life but he didn't realize it (see “Scene with Sheriff” below). The story is the Sheriff's, his quest to understand Life, and the dream he tells at the end of the movie explains that his own father, long dead, has gone before him into the darkness of death and awaits him.

Interesting parallel — Moss pays money for a coat as he crosses into Mexico; Chigurh pays the kids money for a shirt after his accident. What is meant by that? Cannot be a coincidence.

Chigurh walking away from the accident at the end shows that Death cannot be stopped. It will always walk the streets. It is a part of our existence forever.

Scene with the Sheriff and Death at the same hotel room at the same time but the Sheriff does not see Death. This scene is vital — it solidifies the allegory. The Sheriff enters the room but does not see Death and so he does not die. Death sees the sheriff but chooses not to kill him because he's not seen in return. This scene is the “supernatural” scene which signals that we've watching an allegory, that what we've been watching is more than it appears.

Why 1980 for the book/film when it was written in 2005? Could it be it was begun then and the author simply chose not to update it? What is the reason? Must be one. Might be nothing more than the author started this 25 years ago and didn't feel like updating it to present times.

This is a wonderful movie!

22 Mar 2008




Wandering between two languages…

Recently I'm just so engrossed in Chinese novels. It all starts when I decide to be an anti-socialist. I don't want to talk to anyone in school but I can't just let myself sit there like an idiot while everyone else is talking to one another happily. So at least I must have something to do. Sending messages is costly, and creating posts for my blog is not applicable all the time because I really don't have so many things to say. Thank god, there's still one thing left. I can download e-books and read. There begins my great e-book journey. I have stored at least 10 different types of book, but I'm only interested in one type.

武侠小说。我已经读了好几本了。当然,跟真正的武侠迷比较起来, I'm at most qualified as a beginner. 说真的,汉语的博大精深让我又一次叹为观止。


又谈到哪里去了。话说我受朋友推荐读了一本蔡骏的《旋转门》之后,就怀疑此人的那本《荒村公寓》到底是怎么火起来的。《旋转门》给我的感觉就是一个三流写手的作品,逻辑性都不强,而且内容太过老套,仿造,很容易让我想起我看过的几部科幻片,没意思。估计广大观众也觉得没意思,所以这本书封面上写的只能是"《荒村公寓》作者又一力作"之类的话,用来告诉有品牌追逐思想的孩子们这个牌子又出新货了,买吧。It's kind of buying book in Singapore. I'm only attracted by books with "best-seller" on its cover, instead of books with "from the author of the best seller xxx". Because in my opinion, this way of publicity is like telling people this book has nothing attractive inside except that it's from a best-selling author. Well, I'd rather say I'm narrow-minded.

还是没谈到重点上!天呐。让我的思路再凝成一条线吧。Let me just focus. 我读的下一本《相思门》,却引发了我对武侠小说起码到现在还存在的浓厚兴趣。恕我愚昧,经典的武侠小说如金庸,古龙的没度过几本。金庸的我只记得《射雕》,古龙的《陆小凤》倒是给我留下了很深的印象,接着又读了《圆月弯刀》等。让我印象深刻的有两点(我中文尤其是武侠理解能力偏低下,所以感想可笑之处请不要肆无忌惮不给面子的鄙视我):一是,古龙像金庸一样描写战斗中动作很少,因为他笔下大部分英雄都在刀未出手时,已杀死对方。按书中的说法,就是人刀合一;按读书时我脑海中不由自主浮现出的场面,就是"用眼神杀死你。"二是,古龙酷爱分段,而且都是在极吊胃口的地方分,甩出一个极带有恐怖色彩的否定句让人不由得心中一慌;于是急急把眼神移下,却发现下段也是一句话,肯定句,而且内容呼应上段尾,只是不得不让人无语,大部分都发挥着把上文的恐怖色彩抹去,换成目瞪口呆的无奈之"奇效"。




I haven't been writing so much in Chinese for a long time. It's a strange thing. When I'm not writing, I don't feel like writing; but once I force myself to write something, I cannot stop.


He Miao, Yu Yao, Liang Xu, Shi Wen, Dantong and I went to NUS for supper yesterday. Actually I was there originally for a meeting. It was supposed to be no more than an hour and started at 1630. But the "passionate" speaker's talk seemed never-ending. He was so slow and yet he never took care of the time. It was late and still he could spare time to tell lame jokes which nearly drove me crazy as I was one and a half hours late for my date. On top of everything, only half of minute of his 3-hour long speech which was made up of half jokes and half laughter was useful to me. To be very serious, I didn't really think he was an effective leader, though, apparently, I had no stand or right to criticize anyone as I myself was not capable at all.

Whenever I'm free, I'll start thinking about him. His name filled my mind. I just can't let it go. I just can't.

So I'll keep myself busy. Yes, this is the way. I'll be back in June. Everything's okay. That's it.

16 Mar 2008

I can't ask...

I'm really afraid. When I met his friend online, all I wished was to ask about him, and yet I dared not.
I can't allow myself to go on like this. I'm falling and there's no end to my suffering.
I want to know something about him. How's the result of his recent exams? How is his life? Of course I can get the info if I want but I'll have to think of the consequences. I'm just disturbing his life. I'm only, and forever, an outsider. I don't want either him or his friends to despise me.

How troublesome! I'll never find a solution. How I wish to see him in June! But what's the point? I keep telling myself there's just no chance. Maybe I care for him because I regard him as a good friend. But really, this reason is never sound.

14 Mar 2008


Anyway life goes on.

It's okay. It's all right.

13 Mar 2008

CCA Event Reflection

I've been helping as a facilitator in a CCA event for two days and life has been horrible. In the first morning I got on the wrong bus and it took me around 2 hours to just get to the destination. When I finally arrived at Raffles, I then had a hard time finding others. Worst of all, I failed to be a competent facilitator. I couldn't speak English properly which made me unwilling to communicate with my groupmates. My partner never appeared.
在top school就可以目中无人吗?
On the second day the situation just got worse. One team from the Pioneer secondary quitted. I got one Raffles Girls' School team instead. The game we played required high english pronounciation skills. I know how badly i did and I felt sorry for some of them.
但我却不会对某几个女的感到抱歉。当我还在磕磕绊绊念题的时候,有一个冲着刚走进来的RJC的学长说" she sucks." 这话我听的情楚,但却让我的内疚感消失了。人都是自私的,Yes. I'm shameful for being such a stupid facilitator. 但我更在乎别人对我的羞辱。因此我只觉得心里很轻松,因为我对她们的那些愧疚没了。是啊,在一群没道德的妓女面前,傻子也太高尚了。

This event has brought some more hopelessness to my miserable life. I feel I don't deserve to stay in Astronomy Club.
我看清了自己。我永远是给集体抹黑的人。我控制不了自己的脾气。也许大家都发现了我心理有病。我也没什么脸再见我的club president了。我仍然是那个只会把事情搞砸的笨蛋。我仍然不愿做文明人,只想做随时可以骂人的农民。我突然想毁灭这个世界,突然想破坏所有这里的活动。哈哈,我想起了刘鹏飞。他是第一个跟我说他的理想是把地球毁了的人。当时我鄙视他 现在我和他差不多。 我觉得前途缈茫。在哪里都没我的立足之地,我不想留下再给别人添麻烦了。

9 Mar 2008








当时为了蔡少芬的《洛神》感动了好久 除了马浚伟长得不咋地了点 其他的都好完美


非常喜欢主题曲里的词 觉得很感人



终于我的头发短了,虽然说我觉得现在比以前更弱智,但是。。。never regret

8 Mar 2008

生活 4

新加坡这两天越来越冷了 6点的时候我被冻醒 发现闹钟指示6点 这个时候神奇的事就发生了 我也不知道是上一夜梦到什么了 突然想到了一个很复杂的数学问题 而且是没有存在过的 就是这个闹钟每小时比正常的表慢多少时间 以致于现在慢了整整一小时 但我一直没有计算答案 而且打开手机确定是不是如我所想的七点 结果我发现就是六点 这让我开始感激冥冥上苍我还能再睡一个小时 于是就毫不犹豫的睡去了

我一次又一次的将痛苦回放 放大

5 Mar 2008


随着我的考试分数一再打击我,比如说,我的chemistry 30分才拿了17分;随着我越来越鄙视虚伪的人而越来越不能忍住呕吐,比如说,当那虚伪的某人又带着世人都听得出来是装的的惊慌腔调问我说 怎么办呢我毫无准备的去present老师说我太棒了让我到时候在全校present好恐怖啊 的时候,我尽量抑制住自己想拍屁股走人的冲动,但是还是对她笑不出来,说不出她想要的“你好强啊”四个字。 这个时候,我才觉得,我的确不适合闯新加坡。



“ 被炒的沸沸扬扬的“华南虎”照片风波,本来仅仅是日常工作中的一场“片断剧”,却因为不同的价值观、不同的思维方式、不同的主观意识、不同的出发点和目的的存在,再加上具有“名人效应”的导演,让这场“片断剧”延伸成为了一出“社会问题剧”,从开场到即将落幕,演了一个多月仍未收场。

在我看来,这个作者,纯粹是没话找话,没事找事。好不容易出现了一点可供争议的事,他就发现,妈呀,当个傻逼和讲些废话,这不就是我人生中的目标吗? 于是,就激情澎湃的写出了这篇受过素质教育的人都会写的文章。

周正龙:那不是。我就是想把老虎的冤案给说清了。 ”


生活 3

然后我发现了个存在于见过面但不熟的人们间的怪现象。当彼此抬头马上发现十米开外站着个面熟的人时 ,大家的第一反应都是把目光转向旁边,然后不看前方走路直到与对方相隔一米,然后立刻转头装出一副“真巧啊遇见你了“的样子,然后目光含笑的打招呼,然后离开,同时背过脸叹一口气…

4 Mar 2008


但是很明显,智商低于傻逼的还是大有人在的。因为电梯里的布告栏很快就贴出了新告示,please kindly throw away your expired food to prevent food poisioning.


我不禁感到万分羞愧。仔细回想一下,来到新加坡后,唯一学顺了的一句英语,就是"shit ".


好在,今天的英文课已经对我警钟长鸣了。纵观一张作业题,90% 的单词我都不认识。我瞬间感到内心发虚,冷汗直流,心跳加速,头重脚轻,很想钻到空调里灭了我自己。

想想我最近还真是别的事没干成,就看了3,4 本中文小说。罪过啊。能怎么办呢,《像少年啦飞驰》是我不知看了多少遍但是怎么看都会傻笑的书。我得承认我看的书在我自己看来都没什么关系国家存亡,人类生存的意义,国际政治局势之类的。







生活 1

然后傻不啦叽的我就拿出来了一个长7cm, 宽5cm, 高3cm的记事本。(当时这是我珍藏的本子,上面印了“记事本”三个字)。在第一页写上了“五年级女生”五个字,深信当我把这本子写满的那一天,就是另一部轰动中国文坛的作品产生之时,而且伴随之的名誉,还有“中国的新一代儿童作家”。

1 Mar 2008


无意中浏览到了一篇有关星座的文章 发现我真的是摩羯的典型啊 以下是引言
“ 倾向制造爱情悲剧的摩羯座诞生者之人生易产生一些现象,也就是说摩羯座之爱情能量低落会有下列几点之表现:
5、过了五十岁却仍不知自己要做什么,本身就要自我检讨,却还在自怨自艾,因为该负责任的人其实是自己,但却到处怨天尤人。 ”

我现在 属于 Category 2
