22 Mar 2008

Wandering between two languages…

Recently I'm just so engrossed in Chinese novels. It all starts when I decide to be an anti-socialist. I don't want to talk to anyone in school but I can't just let myself sit there like an idiot while everyone else is talking to one another happily. So at least I must have something to do. Sending messages is costly, and creating posts for my blog is not applicable all the time because I really don't have so many things to say. Thank god, there's still one thing left. I can download e-books and read. There begins my great e-book journey. I have stored at least 10 different types of book, but I'm only interested in one type.

武侠小说。我已经读了好几本了。当然,跟真正的武侠迷比较起来, I'm at most qualified as a beginner. 说真的,汉语的博大精深让我又一次叹为观止。


又谈到哪里去了。话说我受朋友推荐读了一本蔡骏的《旋转门》之后,就怀疑此人的那本《荒村公寓》到底是怎么火起来的。《旋转门》给我的感觉就是一个三流写手的作品,逻辑性都不强,而且内容太过老套,仿造,很容易让我想起我看过的几部科幻片,没意思。估计广大观众也觉得没意思,所以这本书封面上写的只能是"《荒村公寓》作者又一力作"之类的话,用来告诉有品牌追逐思想的孩子们这个牌子又出新货了,买吧。It's kind of buying book in Singapore. I'm only attracted by books with "best-seller" on its cover, instead of books with "from the author of the best seller xxx". Because in my opinion, this way of publicity is like telling people this book has nothing attractive inside except that it's from a best-selling author. Well, I'd rather say I'm narrow-minded.

还是没谈到重点上!天呐。让我的思路再凝成一条线吧。Let me just focus. 我读的下一本《相思门》,却引发了我对武侠小说起码到现在还存在的浓厚兴趣。恕我愚昧,经典的武侠小说如金庸,古龙的没度过几本。金庸的我只记得《射雕》,古龙的《陆小凤》倒是给我留下了很深的印象,接着又读了《圆月弯刀》等。让我印象深刻的有两点(我中文尤其是武侠理解能力偏低下,所以感想可笑之处请不要肆无忌惮不给面子的鄙视我):一是,古龙像金庸一样描写战斗中动作很少,因为他笔下大部分英雄都在刀未出手时,已杀死对方。按书中的说法,就是人刀合一;按读书时我脑海中不由自主浮现出的场面,就是"用眼神杀死你。"二是,古龙酷爱分段,而且都是在极吊胃口的地方分,甩出一个极带有恐怖色彩的否定句让人不由得心中一慌;于是急急把眼神移下,却发现下段也是一句话,肯定句,而且内容呼应上段尾,只是不得不让人无语,大部分都发挥着把上文的恐怖色彩抹去,换成目瞪口呆的无奈之"奇效"。




I haven't been writing so much in Chinese for a long time. It's a strange thing. When I'm not writing, I don't feel like writing; but once I force myself to write something, I cannot stop.


He Miao, Yu Yao, Liang Xu, Shi Wen, Dantong and I went to NUS for supper yesterday. Actually I was there originally for a meeting. It was supposed to be no more than an hour and started at 1630. But the "passionate" speaker's talk seemed never-ending. He was so slow and yet he never took care of the time. It was late and still he could spare time to tell lame jokes which nearly drove me crazy as I was one and a half hours late for my date. On top of everything, only half of minute of his 3-hour long speech which was made up of half jokes and half laughter was useful to me. To be very serious, I didn't really think he was an effective leader, though, apparently, I had no stand or right to criticize anyone as I myself was not capable at all.

Whenever I'm free, I'll start thinking about him. His name filled my mind. I just can't let it go. I just can't.

So I'll keep myself busy. Yes, this is the way. I'll be back in June. Everything's okay. That's it.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

很喜欢他 他特别得细心 负责人
学习好 体育也不错
而且 他应该也会有自己喜欢的人吧