13 Mar 2008

CCA Event Reflection

I've been helping as a facilitator in a CCA event for two days and life has been horrible. In the first morning I got on the wrong bus and it took me around 2 hours to just get to the destination. When I finally arrived at Raffles, I then had a hard time finding others. Worst of all, I failed to be a competent facilitator. I couldn't speak English properly which made me unwilling to communicate with my groupmates. My partner never appeared.
在top school就可以目中无人吗?
On the second day the situation just got worse. One team from the Pioneer secondary quitted. I got one Raffles Girls' School team instead. The game we played required high english pronounciation skills. I know how badly i did and I felt sorry for some of them.
但我却不会对某几个女的感到抱歉。当我还在磕磕绊绊念题的时候,有一个冲着刚走进来的RJC的学长说" she sucks." 这话我听的情楚,但却让我的内疚感消失了。人都是自私的,Yes. I'm shameful for being such a stupid facilitator. 但我更在乎别人对我的羞辱。因此我只觉得心里很轻松,因为我对她们的那些愧疚没了。是啊,在一群没道德的妓女面前,傻子也太高尚了。

This event has brought some more hopelessness to my miserable life. I feel I don't deserve to stay in Astronomy Club.
我看清了自己。我永远是给集体抹黑的人。我控制不了自己的脾气。也许大家都发现了我心理有病。我也没什么脸再见我的club president了。我仍然是那个只会把事情搞砸的笨蛋。我仍然不愿做文明人,只想做随时可以骂人的农民。我突然想毁灭这个世界,突然想破坏所有这里的活动。哈哈,我想起了刘鹏飞。他是第一个跟我说他的理想是把地球毁了的人。当时我鄙视他 现在我和他差不多。 我觉得前途缈茫。在哪里都没我的立足之地,我不想留下再给别人添麻烦了。


Anonymous said...

Hi, I was a participant of Astrigue too .. and I heard about your situation from some other people. However, I think that it is not your fault for being unable to converse in good English. Instead, the fact that you tried your best to pronounce those terms is much more commendable as it demonstrates your perseverance.

So from what I think, you should not bother about what those people who insulted you said, and more so you should not forgo your interest in astronomy (I presume that is why you joined RJ Astro) just because of a few unkind people.

Hence, do strive on and continue doing your best!

Shao Chen said...


Anonymous said...

at least you repeated your options for us(:
keep smiling:D

Anonymous said...

hi, shao chen.
jiateng here!!

please do not feel shameful alright.

hcastro will always be your home!

we welcome everyone, regardless of background, level and academic skills. we appreciate friendship and equality more than astronomy.

just ignore what others did about u. stay with us and enjoy the 2 years in hcastronomy:)

btw, be confident in yourself! u can do it!:)

Jenna said...





Anonymous said...

Hello! Indeed all facilitators have done a great job. Please do not be overly harsh on yourself. Not being able to pronounce english well isn't a sin. Just as much as I wouldn't be able to read chinese as fluently as you do.(: All I wanted to say is that everyone, including you, has done a great job. Ignore those silly narrow minded comments that other pple say. I'm sure you wouldn't take them to heart. Consult your fellow astro club members if you're facing any difficulties, they'll be more than happy to help you out.(: Thanks.

RJC Astro Coord

Shao Chen said...

Everything's okay. Thanks:) I'm just overexcited.