20 Feb 2008

The release of the JAE result

The result is depressing, yet nor so surprising,
淳耘还是走了,去了Victoria. 仝星也去了Victoria
This is what I have expected. But really from the bottom of my heart I don't want him to go. I don't want to be the only one staying in Hwa Chong.I finally understand how the democracy system in Singapore leads to elitism and snobbery. There's even a ranking of junior colleges... Why? Students who can get high mark are placed into top schools and the so-called "academicly-disabled" students are all thrown into the schools at the bottom.Fortunately all of us are in good schools. But there are still differences and we have to bear with them. We have to fight for our future no matter how adverse the situations may be.That's what we have to do. We are scholars. Thousands of Singaporeans are complaining that they're paying high taxes for the scolars' school fees and allowance.We're not glorious. This is my only feeling.
However, we've chosen our paths and it's now really late to turn back. We've missed a lot. It's not that I really believe things always have two opposite effects or I will definately gain valuable experience, but that I have to forbide myself to regret.
This is my life. I've made it this far. Right here right now, I'm exacly where I'm supposed to be.
I'm not fearless. But I know I have a chance as long as I'm alive.

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